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Market Analysis for the Camel Lounge

Camel Lounge has the capacity to achieve faster growth in its market share due to its low pricing strategy compared to other competitors, and also due to the fact that the Middle-Eastern population of Cape [...]

‘Cocacolonisation’ and Culture Homogeny

In the article, "The Cocacolonisation of Difference: Homogenized Diversity in 21st Century Cultural Practice", the author is talking of globalization and its effects, by using the word 'Cocacolonisation'.'Cocacolonisation', as the author employs, is a metaphor [...]

Trust versus mistrust

Nevertheless, Erikson's model can be useful for explaining the legacies of early childhood experiences on the identity of a person and his/her perception of the world.

Education in Taiwan under Japanese Rule

Further on, this paper shall highlight the development of education under Japanese rule and the influence of the education system in Taiwan in this era both to the colonizers and to the colonized.

World Peace in Music

According to Titze, "all religions over the world have a common belief about world peace"; that through prayer and supplication, people can achieve and foster peace in the world.

A Marketing Research on Mobile Banking

The realization that the technology plays a critical role in the development of banking have adverse effects on the performance of the banking institutions and has led to reorganizations of the operation process and as [...]

The ecology of tigers

During the early years of the 20th century, tigers ranged from turkey all the way to the island of Indonesia and to the sea of Okotsk.

The Tang Dynasty: China’s Golden Age

Chang'an city grew to become one of the largest cities in the world and it popularly gained the name 'Heyday of Kaiyuan', and the Tang Dynasty at this period reached the peak of its prosperity.

Japanese Confucianism View Point

The writer illustrates that the Japanese views asserted that Confucianism was a social system which influenced morality in the society. The Confucianism view on education was that it was an essential aspect of human life [...]

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal refers to a formal management system that is used by organizations in the evaluation of individual employee performance. Source: Bhattacharyya is of the opinion that performance appraisal is one of the most important [...]

Regent College Public Relations

This includes the definition of the problem, the definition of the audience, identification of the communication avenues and finally employing the best tactics and strategies to ensure that the project is successful.

Global Business Environment

In analyzing the socio-cultural factors affecting business, the PEST analysis looks at the dominant religion, the attitude of the consumers on the different domestic and foreign commodities, the roles of the different genders in the [...]

Alain Limited’ Management and Strategy

Knowledge Management has evolved in the last two decades from ideas based in artificial intelligence and the concepts that machines can learn to the more recent and accepted idea that knowledge is a combination of [...]

Bribery of the World

Nevertheless, different types of bribery in the Arab world have negatively affected the lives of people by creating tension in various countries, although the society views bribery as a means of acquiring the elusive democracy.

Seven Ways to Fail Big

In the case of Sony Corporation the failure to see the weakness of the strategies employed was due to a faulty belief system coupled with a notion that it is an enterprise that is so [...]

Ethics and Human Resource Management

The staff at the human resource department should always show the importance of ethics in the organization. Therefore, the HRM should know that reward and appraisal systems can be harnessed to promote ethical behavior in [...]

Florence Bascom

Therefore, for Bascom to define her niche in a field dominated by men, she must have exercised lots of expertise in the field to garner the recognition she was able to achieve.

Marketing Environment Forces

Marketing environment is a term used to refer to the forces outside of marketing which have an influence on the marketing manager's ability to create and maintain a healthy relationship with the customers he is [...]

Green Power, Its Merits and Demerits

The renewable energy sources used to provide green power can guarantee energy security in the world. Green power produces energy without subjecting the environment to the hazards posed by the traditional sources of energy.

The Internal Business Process Perspective

The institution realised the need to communicate accurate information to physicians and patients as a way of improving performance. Information was collected on a regular basis from various departments and analysed to evaluate the performance [...]

Community Interpreting

The rise in demand of professional interpreters in almost every field in the society has inspired the growth and significance of competent interpreters in the industry.

Toms Shoes Company

The most critical asset is their line of footwear being the key driver to the progress of Toms Company. This policy of helping the needy has continued to endear the company to millions of consumers [...]

Marketing Mix paper

The success of a marketing strategy and subsequent marketing activities is judged by the increase in the amount of sales generated from the marketing activity.