1200 Words Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. Page 15

2,712 samples

Emails as a Mode of Communication

As the paper unfolds, email communication resembles the written and oral communication in a number of ways. As a mode of communication, email communication borrows from both the oral and written communication largely.

The Slavery in America

The slaves were to serve their masters who were the whites. This paper discusses the challenges that the slaves encountered as well as their resistance and the relativity of slavery to gender.

Guess Jeans

The discussion examines the experiences of the company's employees and the best managerial strategies to deal with its current ethical issues.

JCB in India

The expansion of JCB in India and China was economically justifiable given the objectives of the company and the strategy it hoped to employ in order to achieve its goals.

CJ Industries and Heavey Pumps

The major problem that CJI is facing currently is to determine the alternative to adopt for the supply of bilge pumps as it is keen not to make a mistake with the contract that is [...]

XYZ Company

By the end of this year, 8-10% of the company's employees shall leave the company. An immediate strategy needs to be executed to fill the vacancies given that 8-10% of the employees will be leaving [...]

Top 500 Polluting Companies

Companies affected by the carbon tax, whose market is domestic, like in the energy sector, will increase their fees and prices to alleviate the tax effects. The carbon tax would weaken the industry and ultimately [...]

US History Since 1877

The end of the 19th century was instrumental in the history of the US. Currently in the 21st century, it is the rapid development and innovation in the ICT sector that has fueled the growth [...]

Gadget Toy Company’s Network

Identification of the critical path helps the management in allocating resources and directing the activities in order to accomplish the project within the stipulated time schedule.

Donaldson Family Foods Management

Specifically, the non discursive approach employees of the Donaldson Family Foods Company have adopted in explaining and exploring shared and coordinated actions on roles does not functions in the exchange of information in a professional [...]

Coffee Business in Romania

Structural factors, on the other hand, represent the transition of the banking system to net adverse liquidity position, concurrent to the increase in liquidity demand in the context of uncertainty concerning the economic outlook.

Retail Marketing of Best Buy

Most of the existing and emerging retailers are venturing into the technology field to offer computing products so as to take advantage of the advancement in technology. That is, the company stands the chance to [...]

Feminist Geography and Women Suppression

Tim Cresswell's feminist geography explores how the patriarchal structures of our society have silenced women's voices and experiences in the field of geography for centuries and how recent changes in the field have allowed for [...]

Concept of Restaurant Tipping Behavior

In the present study, we focus on analyzing the customer's tipping behavior in relation to the message provided on the check regarding the sum of tips with references to the reactance theory and the anchoring [...]

HSBC’s Website Evaluation

The services, website and trustworthiness of the HSBC website will be used as the basis of judgment. The consistence of red is therefore a deliberate effort to ensure that the readers are attracted and retained [...]

Supreme Court in Israel

US and UK Methods of Choosing High Court Judges In the US, the high court judge is appointed for life by the president himself; of course this has to be by the consent of the [...]

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

In the future, it is likely that the company will have more of its customers using technology applications for banking. In the future, it is likely that Commonwealth Bank will borrow some ideas from its [...]

The Movie “Jackie Brown”

On the other hand, Brown betrays Ordell, who helps her leave the jail and in planning a way out of the cop's sight with the money, which, to Ordell, is enough to make him retire [...]

A Perfect World – Film Analysis

In fact, the very title of the film hints at the religious context of the plot: A Perfect World can be seen as a metaphor for Heaven, and the characters' journey can be interpreted as [...]

Timeline of gangs in America

The arrival of half a million people in the United States between 1941 and 1945 led to the increase in population of main towns like New York leading to the emergence of new gangs.