1300-Word Essay Examples. Page 4

1,220 samples

Race and Gender Representation in Art

While racial and gender connotations may be responsible for cultural trends that commonly give rise to specific flavors of creativity or notions and expressions from within the art world, to take this a step further [...]

“Red Sorghum” by Mo Yan

The present paper is intended to discuss and compare the ideas of women's position in Republican China as illustrated in the novel "Red Sorghum" by Mo Yan and the corresponding gender attitudes in the traditional [...]

Facing Racism: A Short Story

After the birth of their first child, a daughter, they knew that they wanted to and needed to escape from China if they wanted to escape the One Child Policy and have the happy family [...]

The Legacy of the Sixties

This led to the formation of a loose coalition grouped under the term the New Left which was united in the struggle against racism and the Vietnam War, as well as the hippie movement which [...]

Canadian Women and Music Industry

Despite great advancement being experienced in the music industry, little has been made in Canada to ensure that female artists have been raised to standards their fellow men artists are in.

Leadership in Sports Analysis

These developments in leadership have brought significant changes in sport psychology as it has made governments, institutions and individuals recognize the value of sports.argues that, currently a lot of research has been carried out in [...]

Omnivore’s Dilemma

It is almost impossible to trace the source of all the ingredients used in the typical McDonald's package as the preservatives used in the soda pop may come from various laboratories and factories around the [...]

Power Drive Golf: Company Analysis

Thus, the aim of the paper is to define, what should be restructured, and how the restructuring process should be arranged for avoiding extensive invasion into the managerial process, which may cause the violation of [...]

“Superiority” by Arthur Clarke

The reading of Arthur Clarke's short story "Superiority" had brought me to the following set of conclusions, in regards to how story's motifs relate to particulars of my professional affiliation: The implementation of groundbreaking technologies [...]

The Learning Curve Theory

As a result of repetition of this process by the labor force, its efficiency would increase and the time used in learning would decrease In the case of a pizza shop, issues that need to [...]

Stringed Instruments in Arrangement Composition

The objective of the paper is to discuss the key that arise in the composition of an arrangement using historical examples involving stringed instruments and my own experience. This is used to illustrate the instantaneous [...]

Australian Supermarket Chain’s Change Program

The main objectives of the organization are to develop a performance appraisal system and to maintain a smooth and successful environment that is free from high turnover and chaos."Performance appraisal has different objectives for management [...]

Musical Tradition of Japan, China, Korea Compared

This essay is dedicated to the comparison of Japanese, Chinese and Korean music and proving the fact of their sufficient continuity or similarity by means of detailed analysis of the original sources of the national [...]