550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 86

18,509 samples

Mixed Methods Journal Article

In taking a two-phased mixed methods research, the authors of this article have tried to bring out the issues that relate to the topic of work ethics with much emphasis on the vocational students in [...]

It’s Bigger than Hip Hop: History of Ghetto

A Conversation with the African-American Ghetto" helps to realize the importance of knowledge of a longer history of the Jewish ghettos and their possible connection to and impact on the African-American ghettos, US segregation policies, [...]

Costing in a New Enterprise Environment

Against this background, the researchers sought to establish the various managerial accounting challenges both researchers and practitioners face based on the premise that accurate cost accounting information is needed during the decision-making process.

Resource Planning and Operations Management

In the context of a large supermarket, the role of operations management would be to assist in managing the products and the personnel, particularly in terms of oversight of inventory, purchasing, and supplies, hiring employees, [...]

Probation Effectiveness and Alternatives

According to the statement, the county government acknowledged the fact that there was an urgent need to reorient the probation programs to focus more on the development of the youth and the community at large.

Medication Error in Nursing

There has been a number of errors that have occurred in the past in terms of the prescription of drugs. The error will affect nursing in that there will be policies put in place to [...]

Crime Prevention Approaches

There are various approaches to this; one of them is based on the idea that the redevelopment of physical space in a neighborhood can decrease crime rates in it.

Peer Feedback: Making It Meaningful

The revision of the first draft of the essay based on the peer review revolved around the incorporation of the following corrections: inclusion of a proper definition of corporate social responsibility, punctuation correction, and choice [...]

Healthy Working Environment Toolkit

For this reason, different specific toolkits provide both employees and employers with an opportunity to assess the current state of the working environment and find areas that should be altered to ensure the increased efficiency [...]

Olivea Marx v. General Revenue Corporation

Generally, the evaluation of facts shows that researches may benefit from such studies by means of actualizing their knowledge regarding the specific points of legal analysis such as studying the parties of the case, finding [...]

Legal Case: Lumber Agents Ltd.

Furthermore, the principal Finished Flooring Ltd.paid for the services provided by the agent Lumber Agents Ltd.according to the details of the agent-principal agreement and according to the principles of the agency relationship.

Debate on Human Reproductive Cloning

According to Baird, human cloning should be prohibited for the simple reason that the onus of justification will be placed on the shoulders of those performing the cloning rather than those who want the cloning [...]

Understanding and Interpreting Statutes

The rules of statutory interpretations are sometimes referred to as 'cannons of construction' and they include the literal rule, the golden rule and the mischief rule. After this, the court must interpret the statute in [...]

Antifraud Provisions: Definition

The materiality of the misstatement is based on the nature of the transaction, failure to disclose material facts in the financial statement, serious violation of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and the amount involved in [...]

Causes of Terrorism

Terrorism is defined as violent actions that are aimed at instilling fear to people as a means of coercing them to submit to ideologies of a certain group.

Divorce and the Choice of the Child

In the case of two individuals having a child together then subsequently having a divorce, it is usually the prerogative of the court to ensure that a child is placed in the best possible environment [...]