650-Word Essay Examples. Page 31

4,780 samples

Stingray Quality Systems and Manual

It is the duty of the quality representative to inform the organization about the quality specifications, achievements and quality procedures. The aim of the Stingray quality system is to identify the policy, the organization and [...]

Thermistor and Its Applications

This paper examines the working mechanism and applications of Thermistors Thermistors are special kind of variable resistors whose resistance changes with changing temperature i.e.a change in thermal temperature results in changes in its resistance value.

The China’s Struggle History

It led to the changing of the name dynasty to the Republic of China. Conclusively, the 1911 Revolution was not an alleviation of the socioeconomic standards of the Republic of China but a source of [...]

Competitive Advantage: Google Case Study

Thus, the paper aims to discuss disruptive innovation and the aspects of competitive advantage in the business market. In economics, a circumstance is said to as having a comparative advantage, which allows for the possibility [...]

Omega Watches Marketing Strategy

The choice of high-tech elements and a strong emphasis on them clearly shows that in the representation of its product, Omega has chosen the current future contrast.

An Artificial Satellite

It was created with the main purpose of capturing high-resolution images of the earth.'ADEOS 2' - was designed to monitor the biomass in the carbon cycle, earth's water cycle and the trends in climate variation.

Lean Thinking in Supplier Optimisation

In this way, the company attempts to increase the quality of production and achieve the reduction of manufacturing defects. Therefore, it is important to develop the charts for the time of product receipt and shipment [...]

Does Recycling Harm the Environment?

Recycling is the activity that causes the most damage to the environment. Summarizing the above, it is necessary to state that waste recycling has a negative connotation in relation to nature and the environment.

The Failure of Disney’s America

The presented case covers most of the missteps the company has done during the development of the project. According to a quote from Michael Eisner's book provided in the case, the company was blindsided by [...]

Cooper’s Ethical Decision-Making Model

The first step in this approach is ascertaining and giving a description to the facts of a situation including the main participants, their perceptions, the issues and the threats pose by the situation.

Real and Nominal Gdp

In the first quarter of the year 2005, the real Gdp is higher than the nominal Gdp. In the second quarter, the real Gdp was still higher but the economy began to recover since the [...]

BP Company’s Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

The flawed operational decisions compromised the safety of the rig and affected BP's image of commitment to environmental protection. BP's post-crisis management strategy sought to repair its perception in the eyes of the media, investors, [...]