900 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 17

4,255 samples

China’s Air Pollution Problem

The fact that we do not know the rate at which the economy is slowing down denotes that we cannot tell the rate at which air pollution in the country is reducing and those who [...]

The Ways to Reduce Teenage Pregnancies

Although teen pregnancy is an ongoing problem, it can be reduced with good education, parental support, and birth control Over the last couple of years, the United States of America has woken up to the [...]

Courtroom Participation Analysis

The major responsibilities of a judge include; maintaining the court's order while a case is in process, determining whether the evidence given by either side is inadmissible, instructing the jury before the beginning of deliberations [...]

Obsessessive-Compulsive Disorder

Before the growth of psychological treatments, the endorsed treatment was to curb the condition by doing the compulsive behavior harder and often. The causes of the disorder are not completely clear and may be linked [...]

The Size Variation and Zonation

Gastropods constitute one of the major groups of the molluscs that also comprise the Bembicium nanum in the top shell category. The objective of this study is to evaluate the size variation and Zonation in [...]

Framework for Federal Acquisitions

Unless specified in the contract, the ceiling price or target price is subject to adjustment only by operation of clauses in the contract providing for revision or adjustment of the contract price under circumstances stated. [...]

Newton’s Second Law of Motion

The objective of the experiment is to demonstrate Newton's second law of motion that the acceleration of an object with fixed mass is directly proportional to the net force applied to it.

Adopting a New Payment Method

According to the PEST analysis of the uncontrollable factors such as political, economic, technological, and socio-cultural ones, there is a high possibility of implementing mobile payments successfully. It is a widespread opinion that the potential [...]

Budgeting Operations and Approaches

When it becomes apparent that changes should be carried out in the budgetary allocation, the departmental staff and the principal investigator review the terms and conditions of the cost principals to determine whether the change [...]

Poverty in America: An Ethical Dilemma

In contrast, a considerable percentage of the populations believe the society has the moral obligation to eradicate poverty, and thus, they hold the view that the solution to poverty reduction lies in the socioeconomic policies.

Family Law: Presumptions

Upon divorce, the Child Support Enforcement program mandates either parent the child's custody depending on the eligibility of the parent to take care of the child as expected by law.

Nirvana from Several Perspectives

In response to this notion, a Carvaka philosopher would state that nirvana that physical sensations such as emotions and desire should not be internationally ignored for the achievement of some made-up and unrealistic state of [...]

Forgive Wolfowitz: Article Rhetoric

The subject of the article is to convey us that the mistakes made by Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank resulting crisis and hunger should be forgiven as the person is concern had only noble [...]

Standard-Based Assessment Model

However, the standard-based assessment policy for ELA Year 6 is intended to measure progress and growth among learners at different levels. The language barrier presents a challenge for teachers in favor of the standard-based model [...]

The Changing Scientific Discoveries

Ancient astronomers believed that the earth was the center of universe and the sun moved through the sky. The earth is thought to be stationery at the center of universe and the ethereal objects moving [...]

Dame Anita Roddick

She has a website and portal that helped her to connect with people from different regions in the world to ensure nations, organizations, and individuals play their roles in promoting human life and conserving the [...]