3 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 120

22,474 samples

“Viva Bilingualism” by James Fallows

In his article Viva Bilingualism, James Fallows analyzes such issue as bilingualism in the United States, in particular, the author argues that two or even more languages can successfully co-exist in America and it will [...]

Therac-25 Radiotherapy Machine

But, the computer has its sensors and information by which it can find out the errors and inform the operator."The sensors in the machine reported on, among other things, the placement of the turntable and [...]

Rethinking the Role of Middlemen

The debate of the elimination of the middleman is immense and tricky putting into consideration the channels of distributions and the functions that the middlemen played when technology was not much developed.

The Importance of Small Businesses

The Hawthorn Aquatic and Leisure Centre is a type of 'social and communitarian business type'. The first recommendation for Hawthorn Aquatic and Leisure Centre is to implement a system of reward for their staff in [...]

The Concept About Saliva

Saliva is perceived as a part of a personality, sharing which is a unique parting with a valuable piece of one's body; a belief that saliva is likely to cause conception is also popular in [...]

Ancient Rome: Augustus Caesar

The main measures that he employed in the endeavor to restore religion include; regulation of private behavior, reconstruction of public monuments and public religion and creating awareness by the use of literature that discussed the [...]

The New Auto Market in the US

The recession has led General Motors through bankruptcy and eventual public bail out of the company, which has led the control of the company with the government and the unions owning majority of the company [...]

Desert, Glaciers, and Climate Change

When the wind blows in a relatively flat area with no vegetation, this wind moves loose and fine particles to erode a vast area of the landscape continuously in a process called deflation.

Prior Training of Business

As for the matters of prior training, which is regarded as the possible solution of the appeared problem, it should be emphasized that the results will depend on the aims and goals of this training [...]

Frost’s and Wright’s Stories Comparison

Then, the poet expresses the friendly stature of the ponies towards the poet and his companion. In spite of the above-mentioned similarities, both "A Blessing" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" share differences [...]

Residential and Commercial Design

The purpose of commercial and residential designs is to solve problems and enhance the looks of the space. According to Biddulph, in the design of the residential house, the front and back interface is of [...]

Fashion Industry and Vera Wang

The fashion industry is one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world. The lack of fashion and good designs in the bridal wears forced her to bring new designs to the bridal industry.

Emerging Business Ethics Issues

Some of the issues that arise in the business environment and calls for fairness, honesty, and integrity are intimidating behaviors exhibited in the business, sexual harassment, discrimination as well as conflict of interest.

Ethical Issues at Sunbeam Company

He drove the company to further debt, reduced sales, and employee dissatisfaction which had a great impact on investors, and thus he had to manipulate figures to regain investor confidence and maintain the value of [...]

Female Adolescent Violence

It discusses how the authors of this article and other articles in this text explain the choices girls make to use violent strategies in particular contexts.

Act and Rule Utilitarianism

Considering that John is a drunkard who drove himself to the accident that led to the rapture of his kidney; the choice of giving him the kidney would be avoided based on the fact that [...]

French Revolution Main Events

The year 1789 was marked by celebrations of the centenary of the glorious revolution in Britain. There was much travel between Britain and France and the individuals who supported events in France started to dress [...]

PESTEL Analysis of Fiat Article

The economic environment of the Irish products will include the availability of disposable income, the general business cycles, the trends of the GNP, the Interest rates of investments into the economy, the supply of money, [...]