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Open-Pit Mining Environmental Impact

Finally, the author claimed that the absence of social conflict was explained through the community's dependence on CLC's economic activity and the assumption made by the members of the community regarding the role of government [...]

Dress Exhibitions Analysis

This exhibition features the most exclusive pieces of clothing from the archives of the Museum and inspires the visitors to get a notion of how people used to dress for various occasions in several past [...]

Framework for Federal Acquisitions

Unless specified in the contract, the ceiling price or target price is subject to adjustment only by operation of clauses in the contract providing for revision or adjustment of the contract price under circumstances stated. [...]

The Pontrelli: Project Plan

First of all, the terms "debt financing" and "equity financing" should be defined. Debt financing is based on the usage of borrowed money in a company's financing.

The Chemical Communication System

The appropriate elaboration of this communication is through the study of Biological Engineering, which is an application of different concepts and methods of biology to get solutions to life sciences.

The Importance of Employment Laws

However, for an organization to grant the employee leave, the employee must give adequate notice to the organization informing the organization the reasons for requesting the leave.

Violent Resistance and Terrorism

The following study is an attempt to establish the root causes of violent resistance, the challenges facing the world due to violent resistance, and possible remedies to the problem citing specific cases that are helpful [...]

The Islamic Capital Marketing

Islamic capital marketing is one of the key players in the growth of Islamic financial institutions in the Muslim world. The origin of the Islamic capital market dates back in the 1970s and 1980s when [...]

Benefits of Racial Profiling

The objective of the essay is to explore the pros of racial profiling and offer argumentative support on the same. From a proponent perspective and as a strong supporter of racial profiling, I am of [...]

Avant-Garde: Italian, Dutch and Russian Styles

The basic proposition of this approach to art was that industrialization and modernity have to be incorporated into the artistic expression because the proponents of the movement strongly believed that industrialization would improve human society.

Healthy People 2010 Project

Similarly, the project is prospected to enhance public awareness/understanding of the determinants of health, disease, and disability. Reflectively, the Healthy People project is planning to improve the health conditions of all Americans.

It’s Bigger than Hip Hop: History of Ghetto

A Conversation with the African-American Ghetto" helps to realize the importance of knowledge of a longer history of the Jewish ghettos and their possible connection to and impact on the African-American ghettos, US segregation policies, [...]

Starbucks HR Issues and Strategies

The strategic HRM function definitions are still rather vague, but it can be described as the one aimed at the development of HR policies that can help the employees of the company to contribute to [...]

IAMS Corporation Marketing

The support of efficient web-advertisement contributes to the delivery of a company mission statement to the customers, which concerns the statement of healthy nutrition philosophy as well as for the placing of optimal offers for [...]

Mixed Methods Journal Article

In taking a two-phased mixed methods research, the authors of this article have tried to bring out the issues that relate to the topic of work ethics with much emphasis on the vocational students in [...]

Online Shopping as a Method of Supply

Online shopping is the method of selling goods and services that allows individuals to sell goods directly over the internet. This mode of operation is better than the use of door-to-door sales people who can [...]

Criminal Justice Research: Homicide

It also gains capacity with the regulations and reaction of crime from the society and the government. In homicide research, the characteristics and methods of qualitative research are evident.

Death Penalty: Juveniles and Mental Disabilities

Consequently, the Eight Amendment should dismiss the death penalty for this category and state laws must implement recommendations of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the American Psychological Association, and the American Bar Association that [...]

Northern Renaissance Representatives

In specific, the theme of human body proportions is well-reflected in the engraving The Fall of Men; the brilliant use of color and attention to details in oils, characteristic of Michelangelo and Da Vinci, are [...]