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Ethnography: An in-depth analysis

The focus of this process is the collection and recording of detailed information about the activities of a selected group of people or community with regard to the topic of the study, which proves useful [...]

A History of the Cuban Revolution

The main reason behind the revolution was to overthrow the dictatorial regime of Fulgencio Batista. Batista decided to grab power and remained the country's leader until the end of the revolution in December 1958.

Turkey and its Politics

The form of secularism adopted in Turkey is similar to the one practiced in the west. Since most of state functions are independent of religious manipulations, Turkey's secularism is similar to secularism in the west.

The Miami Beach

A sandy landform lying along the shoreline of the ocean, the beach is filled with splendor and it inspires feelings of tranquility and bliss to the person who happens to be on it.

Female Leadership: Maria Mahdaly

For instance, women are increasingly assuming leadership roles, and in a bid to motivate growth of female leadership in workplaces, different institutions in Saudi Arabia are increasingly becoming cognizant of the importance of creating an [...]

The Onset of the Cold War

The majority of historians adhere to the idea that the period of ideological tension dates back to the period after the World War II whereas other scholars agree that its beginning refers to the end [...]

Ocean Fisheries Sustainability Analysis

It is necessary for fishing industries to use better fishing methods in the ocean to ensure that their activities do not endanger the ecological balance. Fish species do not get the chance to replenish and [...]

The Portrayal of Otherworldly Spaces

One of the main motivations, which prompt people to read fiction-novels and to watch movies, which contain the motifs of otherworldliness, is the fact that, while being exposed to these literary and cinematographic works, individuals [...]

Drama on Stage and Screen

First of all, Trevor Nunn wanted to make sure that the audience could easily of the movie the plot of the movie; this is why he rearranged the scenes and added new ones.

Facial Gestures

In fact, the use of facial gestures is just but one of the non-verbal communication techniques. It is scary and can completely change the course of a discussion.

Is Your Supply Chain Disruption Proof?

Analysis of the risks associated with supply chains show that the robustness of communication systems has a significant influence on the resilience of the supply chains. Communication is the core service that determines the capacity [...]

Centralization of State Authority

The account of his journey is considered to be the most comprehensive and unique description of Chinese society, culture and government system from the point of view of a Confucian scholar. The first part of [...]

The hostage’s situation

Judging from the hostage's situation, my role would be to directly engage the hostage taker in negotiations in order to harness the situation and conduct psychological profiling of the victims and the host taker.

Between Romanticism and Modernism

The first of the modernists in music sought to begin new dimensions and depths in music through the use of non-conventional instruments and novel sounds.

The Concept of Race

In its turn, this points out to the objective nature of European Colonialism, which created objective preconditions for the emergence of a scientific racism in the latter centuries, "Africans and other non-Europeans were initially enslaved [...]

Advice on employment issues

When a potential employee is denied an opportunity to work in a particular company in Europe due to specific qualifications, the company may bear a bad image in the public if the reason for denying [...]

Tourism in Latin America

In this case, tourism looks at the culture of these Americans and also the physical aspect of the region. In the Latin American regions, it is not only the culture of its inhabitants that attract [...]

Australia, Asia, and the World

The invasion to Iraq and military presence in Afghanistan demonstrated the relation of Australia to the rest of the world. The national identity of Australians is quite different as compared to most of the countries [...]

The Phenomenon of Consumerism

The peculiarities of consumerism as the social notion of the World War II period influenced the development of the women's movements against the growth of the prices and even led to their controlling role within [...]

Workbook Journal of Bachelard

Bachelard manages to counter the notion that space is empty and only made lively by the actions of human beings. This space stimulates the mind better and this offers the people that visit the beach [...]

History of African Americans

The readings that are going to be discussed in the paper tell the history of African Americans, their struggles for civil rights, and their integration into the social and political life of the country.

Maya Public Ritual Arts

The main idea, which is being explored throughout the course of Inomata's article, is that the functional purpose of plazas in ancient Mayan cities has been concerned with providing Maya's rules with an opportunity to [...]

Diffusion of innovation

Confirmation is the final stage and it involves the person making an evaluation of the decision to use the innovation. This figure illustrates how the five categories of innovation adoption according to time are spread [...]

Women in the World: Sara Slocum

The ability to improve the welfare of citizens is of great importance to contemporary businesses that must demonstrate that they genuinely care about the needs of community and increase their revenues at the same time.

Vertical Stratification

Due to the differences in the terrestrial and aquatic environments, numerous contrasts between the two environments can be observed. Another major difference between the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem is their level and ability to support [...]