1000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 4

1,583 samples

Environmental Protection Agency

On the 2nd of December 1970, the USA Congress passed and established rules and regulations that were proposed by President Richard Nixon to ensure the nationals and the environment was safe from harm and health [...]

Date Rape Is Not a Crime: Discussion

This normally impairs the reasoning of the rapist and at the same time, it impairs the defense of the victim. In both situations, that is, date and stranger rape the violation of the victim's right [...]

Leadership in the World War I Environment

Military leadership is the process of influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction, and motivation and the basic responsibilities of a leader are the accomplishments of the mission and the welfare of [...]

Managerial Economics: Pepsi Cola Company

Whether the conflict between the three divisions hinder the company to compete in the market; Whether the present structure is cost-competitive; and Whether the present organizational structure will be able to meet the challenge posed [...]

Ryanair Company’s Staff Issues

The primary issues are related to the lack of the competences in HRM and the inability to develop relevant strategies to maintain the motivation of the employees at the sufficient level.

Mona Lisa Smile

The movie wanted to show the way women believed in their lives in the 1950s through a series of video footage available in the movie's DVD showing women in the fifties, statistics comparing women taking [...]

Writing: A Reflection of Living

In High School, my only claim to "literary acclaim" was a short poem that got published in the school paper, probably due to a lack of contributions from other students.

Deng Xiaoping and the Modern China

During the height of the Anti-Rightist Campaign in 1957, the whole Party and nation became theoretically and practically engaged in the collective persecution of intellectuals.