1100-Word Essay Examples. Page 51

7,104 samples

Assault Weapons Should Be Banned

On the other hand, proponents of the ban argue that assault weapons encourage crime and misuse of weapons. They argue that America is a democratic country and the right of the people to carry weapons [...]

Palliative Care and Nursing.

The mission of the center is to strive for the prevention and cure of cancers. Palliative care is defined as an approach for the improvement of the quality of life of patients and their families [...]

Women in the Military

Historically participation of women in the military dates back to times of the revolutionary war, due to the awakening of the world that, women also had a role to play as pertained to protecting their [...]

Ottoman Empire’s Legacy to Modern Turkey

At the same time, the conservative administrative structure of the Ottoman Empire and the way of ruling the country, which was the authoritative monarchy, allowed only for the development of the already existing branches of [...]

Biology. Smallpox: The Deadly Virus

Such a torturous description of the suffering amplifies the paper's argument of how dangerous this disease has proven to be for mankind. Another type of small pox; flat is always considered to be fatal highlighting [...]

Color Harmony in Communication

Colors can be used to energize or calm the atmosphere of a locality, and the wise use of colors is important to portray elegance, and warmth to the overall image of any object, or location.

Changes in Russian Managerial Values

As an outcome of the research described in the article by Alexashin & Blenkinsopp, the assumption about the developing similarities between the managerial values between the US and Russian managers in the HRM sphere can [...]

Basic Concepts of Human Interaction

However, the challenge lies in the fact that sometimes brain patterns may be obdurate and resistant to change; in others the personality of the person is so well imbued to the defect that it challenges [...]

Sustainability Reporting Benefits

The main features of the report include organization's profile, strategies and analysis as well as parameters used in collecting data and compiling the report. The statement outlines relevance of sustainability reporting to the organization and [...]

The Movie “V for Vendetta”

Therefore, even though that formally speaking, "V for Vendetta" portrays the hypothetical future of Britain being under the yoke of far-right dictatorship, it is quite impossible not to notice the fact that the hypothetical realities [...]

Currency Wars in Japan

The balance of trade represents the quantity of goods that the U.S.is importing in relation to the quantity that it is exporting to other countries.

Lions Share Inc.’s Virtual Teamwork

The team's vision is to create a company that will provide new and unique products to the world, influence technology, and ensures that products' quality is incomparable to that of other products, which will not [...]

Crime Rates in UK: Quantitative Methods

The purposes of the report are thus to analyze the statistical data by the UK Home Office, to compare rates dynamics regarding various crime types, and make respective conclusions that would help in either confirming [...]

Grameen Bank’s Concertive Control Systems

In this paper, I examine the empowering and controlling aspects of Grameen's development organizing, focusing on its management style options. The structured analysis of development organizing with Grameen bank is as follows: Concepts of concertive [...]

Criminal Activity and Victimization Theory

The murder was the result of an "unconventional" love triangle in which the victim was murdered because she posed a threat to the attacker. On the other hand, active precipitation happens when the victim exhibits [...]

Club IT’s Supply Chain Management

Even though the business is running as laid down in the organizational mission and vision, there are some issues, which Ruben and Lisa are facing with the conduct of the business and these problems hinder [...]

Colonial Process in Korea and Its Effects

It should be pointed out that the way the United States viewed the implementation of the new political system, and the changing of the economic environment in Asia was polar to the approaches Great Britain [...]

Sustainable Tourism in Toronto

The analysis explores the cultural aspects, products, relationship between tourism and the people, and the effect of different tourism changes on the social and cultural environment in Toronto.