1250 Word Essay Examples + Topics for Papers. Page 2

1,308 samples

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Augustine received a Christian education at the local catechumens where he reports to have learnt about the divine providence, a future with terrible sanctions, as well as the testimony of Jesus Christ, which he considers [...]

Operations Management: Ben & Jerry Homemade Inc.

Processes: These are the assumed steps and procedures used mixing various ice-cream ingredients to realize the end product which is the ice-cream. In ice-cream production, the outputs include the assorted ice-cream mixtures and related products.

Physical Domain, Deforestation and Trends

In the political domain there is conflict in the effort to conserve the forests since some say the industrialization and urbanization have to take place first before conservation until Brazil provides jobs for people who [...]

Employee Training and Development

By evaluating a wide variety of the workforce in an organization ranging from directors, managers, and supervisors to internal consultants and sales people, an organization is able to put into place individual, team, as well [...]

The Art of Great Wall

The Great Wall of China, one of the world's wonders and one of the greatest engineering projects in the history of the humankind is surrounded by myths and controversy which attract researchers and tourists all [...]

The Noah’s ark myth

The ark was therefore big enough for the animals since they were the most and the small family of Noah. He ordered the animals to be fruitful and fill the world again and so were [...]

Benefits of uterine family

Wolf in her book tries to explain the benefits of having uterine families in Chinese kinship system stating that both the uterine family of a woman's maternal parent and her individual uterine relations is created [...]

Theories of Personality

Through the eyes of a person who has watched the movie "Interview with the Iceman", Richard Kuklinski, who could not stop at anything that could prevent him from murdering his victims, is a hardened serial [...]

The issues in business management

In addition to the above benefits, the issue of having independence in business ensures that the operations are not compromised and that every decision is made without copying, but from the needs of the company.

Critique of Stolfi’s Argument

For example, Stofli suggests that the reason why Hitler attacked USSR in June of 1941 is that he thought that this would help him winning the war against Britain and that he sought the expansion [...]

The Concept of Film Noir

Other than this a prominent quality of this genre is the development of negative behaviors in heroes or ant-heroes usually generated by Femme Fatale which is the depiction of Women in Film Noirs in a [...]

Business Information Systems

The role of information systems in organizations is to manage information, make effective and efficient decisions, and improve execution of organizational business processes.

Human Geography: Urbanization

The high prices of food in some regions of the world make most of the people to starve. Most of the people in developed countries like in US, UK, Canada and Australia are well endowed [...]

Attractive and Unattractive Industries

While having the potential for higher profit attractive industries have a far greater degree of market competition resulting in the erosion of a firm's economic performance as compared to companies that exist in unattractive industries [...]

Decision-Making in Management

As an illustration, when a team makes a suggestion, it is expected that such a group would do anything to support the idea irrespective of any evidence presented in opposition to the idea.

Company Profile and Cover Letter: Fisher Investments

Headquartered in Woodside, California, Fisher Investments has been able to win the hearts of many high-net-worth private clients and some of the world's preeminent institutions, including Fortune 500 corporations, governments, foundations and endowments, due to [...]

Influences Of An Adopted Child’s Behavior

There are consistent research findings that the heritability influences adult behaviour while the environmental factors mainly affect the behaviours of the children and adolescents.this is because the adult has the ability to logically reason and [...]

Sport’s Gender Differences

Although they are aware of this fact as well as the role that sports play concerning the immune system of their bodies, they have neglected sports based on claims of issues of gender and racism [...]

Revolutions of the 1848

The wave of revolutions that swept across Western Europe in 1848 brought what can be described as lasting reforms to the regimes that governed the affected territories; and even those that watched their neighbors' revolts [...]

Year of the Flood

While the Geneva Convention on Human Rights has banned the use and development of biological agents as a means of warfare, thus sparing humanity the possibility of dying due to a virulent disease, the fact [...]

Gender Roles by Margaret Mead

Once the a rift defining men and women develops this way, it goes further and defines the positions, which men and women occupy in the society, basing on these physical and biological differences, which form [...]

Wildlife Management in Urban Areas

The end result of reducing the number of predator and carnivores in a given ecological system will cause an imbalance that allows organisms in the lower levels of the food chain to multiply to the [...]

Theories of Philosophy on Animals

The main difference between the direct and the moral equality theory is that the moral equality theory acknowledges that human beings and animals both experience a sense of morality and consciousness and they have almost [...]

Leadership and Motivation Ideas

An investigation into the various leadership models and principles and their consequential stimuli on the motivation and attitudes of the workers or individuals in an organization is important.

The Power of Free Speech

It must be noted though that despite the Freedom of Speech being a first Amendment right, subsequent amendments to the constitution as well as various historical acts such as the Sedition Act of 1798 and [...]

Contemporary sociological theory

This perception commonly referred to as methodological individualism, attests that "individual human action is the elementary unit that makes up social and that explaining of social institutions and social change is necessitated by a demonstration [...]