2800-Word Essay Examples. Page 9

1,403 samples

Poverty Fighting in Saudi Arabia and in USA

This report discuses some of the poverty prevention programs that have been adopted by Saudi Arabia and the United States in dealing with a global problem, threatening the lives of billions of people around the [...]

Smartphone Market’s Economic Analysis

Thus, the purpose of the current exploration is associated with the analysis of the smartphone market, with the emphasis placed on Samsung and Apple, which are considered significant rivals in the industry.

Business feasibility study

The specifications are the wordings, the general calligraphic design, and the background of the card. The customer will be required to make an order of the cards he or she wants, and at the same [...]

Action Research on Gang Prevention

The activities in this approach allow the community to assist the population that is already involved in gang activities and the population that is likely to be involved in the gang activities.

The Leader as a Strategist

In the case of Apple therefore, the company it prides itself in offering products that are unique in the market. It is therefore true that the products from Apple are designed to meet the needs [...]

Developing Leadership Skills at QEWC

The third importance of leadership is that leaders offer guidance to the rest of the employees. This is a structure used by companies to organize their leadership on the basis of the demands and the [...]

Obedience and Disobedience as Behaviour Forms

In the mafia style of obedience, that organized crime syndicate organization in the seventies, notorious for its illegal activities, gambling dens, drugs, extortions and summary execution of disobedient members and enemies, obedience is a measure [...]

Competitive Advantage Role in a Business

However, the business of marketing in the education sector depends on the competitive advantage of the university. The competitors of the EUC include Murdoch University, Curtin University of Technology, University of Notre Dame, and the [...]

Leadership Concepts and Styles Comparison

Effective Leadership This is the ability of a leader to consolidate, maximize and utilize the available resources both in the internal and external environment to the organization so as to attain the objectives of the [...]

Anthropology and Humanitarianism

Implying active use of diplomacy, the actions of humanitarians serve to reduce the extent of confrontation between the participants of a specific conflict and, therefore, minimize the threat to the well-being of civilians.