2900-Word Essay Examples

673 samples

Encoding Manner and Result Verbs

Besides verbs expressing the manner in which an action is carried out, English language has variety of verbs that encode the result of an action, but not the manner of achieving this result.

The Dilemma Surrounding Recycling

One of the arguments used by recycling supporters is that the government takes full responsibility of the funding of recycling activities."Government supports lots of services that the free market would not provide, such as the [...]

Rona Inc. Dealing with Recession

First, the firm experienced a decline in the rate of growth in some of its Canadian markets such as the western region, which was occasioned by a decline in the consumers' purchasing power.

Domestic Violence against Women

Domestic violence against women refers to "any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, and mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts as [...]

Decision Analysis in Strategic Management

Therefore, the principle remains appropriate in the analysis of the consequences of these decisions. The modernist explanative model is important for the analysis of the consequences of the decisions to expand business organizations.

ICT and Economic Growth

The study of knowledge economy highlights the significance of ICT and learning in the creation of wealth and competitive advantage in the global economy.

ERP System

To have an ideal ERP system, the system should have an ERP structure which is made up of integrated central database repository in a fused environment One reason why I would recommend my company to [...]

Globalization and Cultural Background

In fact, in response to his hometown Quanzhou, Cai asserted that he wanted to mine the small elements of his culture and then present them to the world so the world can understand China better.

Pre-Stressed Concrete

The aim of this paper is to discuss the historical developments of pre-stressed concrete, the basic concepts of pre-stressed concrete, and the manufacturing of the pre-stressed concrete.

Global Business Environment

In analyzing the socio-cultural factors affecting business, the PEST analysis looks at the dominant religion, the attitude of the consumers on the different domestic and foreign commodities, the roles of the different genders in the [...]

Theories of the Atonement

Proponents of the theory of ransom claimed that the primary aspects of Christ's atonement was his ransoming of souls of the souls of human beings from the devil who was controlling them at the time [...]

Palo Mayombe

During initiations into the cult, the individuals must possess a "sense of wandering" with the dead spirits in order to understand the prendas and the practice of harming or healing of the Palo Mayombe.

Chinese Tourism in Victoria

The study revealed that language barrier is the primary cause of the problems that the Chinese visitors encounter in Victoria. The study concluded that language and cultural barriers are the leading causes of dissatisfaction to [...]

Survival Mechanisms Of Wild Animals

Trinkel and Kastberger argue that, the foremost threat that is facing lions in the jungle is the intrusion of more carnivores because they can overwhelm lions and force them to migrate to other destinations.

Xemba Translations Project Plan

The third metric to be used in the measurement of project performance will be the variance between the scheduled versus the actual time spent on the activities of the project.

Strategy and Strategic Management

It is the goal of this paper to seek to uncover the essential components of strategy and the process of formulating a coherent organizational strategy in the context of the built environment.

Refinery Wastewater Management

Water processing plants that use chemical processes to manage the waste water have now turned to the use of zero-effluent techniques of waste management that ensure that the waste water can be re-used and the [...]


Nonetheless, this form of Foreign Direct Investment is underpinned by one main challenge in the sense that the marketing points being targeted in the foreign country may not be compatible with the location where FDI [...]

Marketing Services: MK Restaurant

One of the industries in the sector is the hotel and restaurant industry. Passionate leaders are the pace setters of the brand of the company as has been with the MK Restaurant.

Recommender Systems on the Web

This part will include a detailed description of the techniques and algorithms of recommender systems on the Web. In this type of approach, items are being described using keywords and a user profile is built [...]

Alcoholic Drinks Market Analysis

Demand and supply are the foundations of economic analysis in the interaction of the two market forms. The law of demand and supply works in divergent ways in the sense that, when prices of commodities [...]

Terrorism Definitions and Controversies

The history of the word "Terrorism" traces back to the French Revolution of 1794 and the Revolutionary Terror a statewide strategy against the people who were perceived to be the enemies of the New Order.

The Go-Phone by AT&T Company

This then results in a long process of verification where the representative asks the caller to provide some form of verification on the account aside from the pass code which can consist of either the [...]

IKEA Company’s Social Entrepreneurship

One of the potential benefits to IKEA for operating a joint partnership is that it serves to integrate the resources of the partnering business entities, which in turn results in production and cost efficiencies.

Jewish Film as a Part of the Movie Industry

During the last generation the term has acquired a central position in psychological and social theory due, perhaps, to greater awareness of the dislocations in the relationship between individual and society that characterize the process [...]