850-Word Essay Examples. Page 34

6,878 samples

Feminist Film Theory Overview

The presence of women on the screen is commonly accomplished by the sexualization and objectivization of female characters. Along with that, sadism and fetishism toward the physical beauty of the object and the representation of [...]

Discussion of Importance Art Education

With the help of art lessons, a person begins to enrich irrational thinking, build imagination and see artistic images and aesthetics. Also, the introduction of art and literature classes will help to express emotions appropriately.

Living Things: What Do They Have in Common?

Nevertheless, cellular structure is a feature of all living things: from unicellular bacteria and algae to multicellular plants and animals. However, that cycle of growth and development is natural to all living organisms.

Millennials in the Housing Market

Contrary to the previous generation that was determined to attain a large-square-foot house and a car, people in the late 20s and early 30s are seeking urban and smaller spaces located near amenities and closer [...]

Community Policing and Its Evaluation

An integrated community approach enables the community members to have faith in the police department since the community members themselves are involved in ensuring that criminal activities are curbed.

International Trading in the Global Economy

Globalization has prompted an expanding geospatial division of creation and utilization and, as a result, an uncommon removal of ecological and social effects through worldwide exchange. An enormous extent of all worldwide effects can be [...]

Semi-Microscale Diels-Alder Reaction

In the present experiment, a semi-microscale study of the IR spectra of the recrystallized product and raw materials is carried out to confirm the reaction between anthracene and maleic anhydride.

ACME Mexico ISM Plan

He plays the role of the company leader and the person who is in charge of efficient communication within the organization, as well as the communication of the company staff with the representatives of other [...]

Discrimination Against African American Nurses

The skills and techniques adopted for engaging with the person were active listenings to demonstrate the interest in improving the situation as well as cultural competence, which I relied on in the process of interviewing [...]

Digital Platforms: Samsung

The use of a single model increases the efficiency of management and enhances implementation of IT systems. Due to the uniqueness of the ways of doing business, Samsung has adopted a low level of integration [...]

Safe Food Supply System

Though there is a system namely Food Safety and Inspection Service in the country for ensuring supply of safe and healthier supply of food, it need to more active and efforts must be taken to [...]

Negotiation Assignment Reflection

The first dimension of assessment was related to the ability to build trust during negotiations. It may be beneficial to improve my attitudes toward the interests of others in order to maintain healthy long-term relationships [...]