850-Word Essay Examples. Page 45

6,878 samples

Personal and Professional Ethics Analysis

The researchers, Osmo and Landau, sought to examine the relationship between the prevailing ethical theories, the existing ethical dilemmas, and the increase in ethical issues, the idea of ethical decision-making, and the existing problems in [...]

Equal Pay for Women

In 1963, the Federal Government of the United States enacted the Equal Pay Act that effectively illegalized payment of different salaries to men and women for similar work on jobs that need similar qualification, effort, [...]

Annual Bonus Schemes and Earnings Manipulation

The most common assumption among the researchers of the accounting decision-making and incentives of the earnings management is that the approaches used by the managers involved in the earnings manipulation differ depending on the impression [...]

Economic Tourism in Australia

When the number of foreign tourists is high the government can increase the exchange of currency so as to gain from the tourists at lower taxes on some products mostly used by the inhabitants what [...]

Cockroach Ventral Nerve Cord

The given paper revolves around the cockroach ventral nerve cords main parts, their peculiarities, and the most important characteristics that could be investigated to obtain the data needed to improve the understanding of the functioning [...]

Renaissance Art Works’ Comparison

The chapel is located in the Vatican and is one of the most illustrious artworks in the western world. The entrance to the chapel is marked by two frescoes which symbolize the last episodes of [...]

The Gucci Luxurious Products in the Economy

For example, if the price of the Gucci bag increases, the demand for the product may decrease. In conclusion, the Gucci bag is a luxury product with high-income elasticity of demand and complementary and substitute [...]

Relationships in Chinese Society

Still, one element that remains an integral part of Chinese society is filial piety, which is "the honoring of one's ancestors and parents," which is "both valuable in itself and a training ground for the [...]