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Social Network in Sports

A social network refers to a group of individuals who have come together for a common purpose and the achievement of such a purpose depends on the social relationships among the different members of the [...]

Car Air Pollution

Further, NO2 can prevent the flow of oxygen in the blood to other parts of the body like the brain. These toxic substances settle in the lungs and disrupt the normal flow of air in [...]

Trading on the Stock Markets

In the United States, the biggest stock market, basing on the market capitalization, is the NYSE "New York Stock Exchange". This stock exchange, being the only major stock exchange in the country, used to operate [...]

Wawa Convenience Store: Case Study

Thus, within the framework of this case study, an analysis of the customer service strategy of the convenience Wawa network will be conducted, during which the strengths and weaknesses of the business will be highlighted.

Aftermath of the WWI

The source concludes that the provisions of the treaty were unfavorable to the government and the people of Germany, something that forced the country's leaders to respond with militarization of the state.

Education Precedent-Setting Cases

According to the Chapter 2 of the Educational Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981, one of the requirements for allocation of funds to public and private schools for the purchase of equipment and other educational [...]

Lobbying and Fiscal Policy

A financial policy also referred to as the federal government's fiscal policy is the policy strategy that is put in place by the federal government and is concerned with the changes in taxation and spending [...]

The History of the Stamp Act

After an epidemic caused by the distribution of blankets contaminated with smallpox in the settlements of the western nations, the British restored peace and accepted the influence of the French in the region of Great [...]

Peter Coy Views on Macroeconomics

Peter Coy's article gives insight into the economic thought on the government's involvement in the economy. In the article by Peter Coy, critics view the free market as the only thought that can counterbalance the [...]

Zero Waste Principles Applied by Humans

A zero-waste method, in contrast, protects the environment and minimizes pollution from extraction, production, and disposal. By producing less trash, one contributes to the prevention of pollution and the preservation of the environment.