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Policy Setting in Job Training Programs

From the dimension of the workers, employment and the on-job training programs are beneficial in the sense that, they result to investment in workers' abilities and careers, often improving them in the course of execution [...]

Urban Consolidation

Urban Consolidation refers to a various sets of planning policies which are meant to maximize the use of the present urban infrastructure through encouraging development of buildings and infrastructures in the urbanized areas so as [...]

Under the Influence of Alcohol

This paper highlights the summaries of the myths and facts regarding alcoholism as presented in the book, Under the Influence, a precise explanation of alcoholism by examining the underlying causes of alcoholism and how its [...]

The Problem of Global Overpopulation

Insights gained from the chapters reveal that the main reason behind the problem of resource overconsumption which threatens the very future of the planet is the rampant overpopulation of humanity which threatens to drain the [...]

Human Rights and Social Transformation

Skeptics challenges the origin, contribution of globalization to the advancement of human rights, tension posed on security due to strict adherence to codes of human rights, human rights contribution to universality evaluated in relation to [...]

The Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan (2005)

In his statements to a Russian newspaper, Akaev claimed that important figures in the police department collaborated with the opposition. In 2009, Bakiev's chief of staff, Medet Sadyrkulov, resigned and was believed to back the [...]

Japan and Imperialism 1853-1945 by James Huffman

The main topic in the reading is imperialism, which the author believes motivated Japan to economic and political development. The author applies a variety of data to present the concept of imperialism in Japan's history.

Matthew Brandt’s Approach to Photography

The artist labors over the production of his images, turning the creation of his work into grueling physical labor by utilizing long-forgotten techniques acquired from the earliest photographers in the tradition of photography, making his [...]

The Volatility‐Managed Portfolios

The main point that the authors are trying to convey is that it is possible to increase monthly returns for mean-variance investors by using the suggested approach of volatility timing when managing portfolios.

Learning Experience Interviews

Our director of patient records is aware of the roles and responsibilities and, therefore, his/her major function consists in classifying, regulating, and sorting out the medical charts.

Children and Adolescent Suicide Behavior

Therefore, CBT as a methodology of helping in diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of suicidal behavior problems among adolescents is useful in social work to the extent that it can lead to the elimination of the [...]

Abolition of Slavery in Brazil

In most parts of America, the legislation to abolition slave trade was greatly opposed by big plantation owners who needed the services of slaves and knew that the legislation to end slavery was a major [...]

Syria and the Revolution

The government used extreme force on the protestors and the demonstrations spread rapidly to various other parts of the country. The ethnic divisions in Syria further complicate the conflict since the county's elite and Assad's [...]

Analyzing Graffiti as a Subculture

Contemporary theoreticians dispute the origin and meaning of subculture as a social phenomenon, analyzing the sociological parameters of the groups of population and their primary motivation for deciding on self-expression in the form of subculture.

Managing Innovations and Entrepreneurship

The trade secret and confidentiality of Coca Cola's recipes has been one of the most successful barriers or protection against imitations. In conclusion, barriers to imitation are incredibly vital in the protection of intellectual property.

Customer Service Coordination

Self-management on the other hand is the key factor because the coordinator must be self-aware all the time in relation to the environment and the needs of the customers.

Social Theories of Technology

As such it has been viewed by many as the core impetus of transformation and development in society and it has resulted into emergence of the philosophical and scholarly belief referred to as technological determinism [...]

Solution Focused Therapy

This paper includes the discussion of a video that exemplifies the main techniques included in solution focused therapy. This approach highlighted the idea that it would be easy to overcome a certain problem.

The Scientific Method Isn’t What it Used to Be

According to the case study, the site describes science concerns in the following issues: Science aims at explaining the natural world It uses testable ideas It depends on evidence It involves the scientific community It [...]