1400-Word Essay Examples. Page 11

3,531 samples

Evolution of Formal Organizations

Successful self-management of a company required sufficient knowledge about the work process and its management to make informed decisions about health care, the performance of activities to manage the change, and the application of skills [...]

Did Lehman’s Fall Matter

The author however has a different view to the failure of the capital markets and openly declares that it was the acceptance of the congress of a capital market failure that led to the failure [...]

Clemency Prior`S Business Key Issues

To fulfill this task, it is necessary to examine the external and internal environment of this company and identify those factors, which prevent the enterprise from becoming more productive. In this way, the management will [...]

Chinese Occupation of Tibet

Consequently, this paper will examine the historical context that has led to this rift and identify the future of Tibet and the exiled Dalai Lama based on the historical and the current state of the [...]

“Iceman Cometh” by O’Neill

O'Neill depicts that one of the many sins these women committed is to have built up the image of prostitutes as romantic and sensational, instead of showing these women as they really are, unfortunate and [...]

Insurance Against Weather Conditions

In Florida, the standard wind insurance payment increased from $723 to $1465 from 2002 to 2007, and in Florida's coastal regions payments have tripled or even quadrupled. In addition, insurance companies have increased deductibles which [...]

The Definition of Universal Justice

Thesis: Sanders in his "Doing Time in the Thirteenth Chair" expresses that justice cannot be achieved by means of a mere discussion of existing evidence and questions the procedures which usually take place during the [...]

Criminal Psychological Profiling

By analysing these characteristics, investigators can construct offender's psychological portrait with the high degree of accuracy: "The degree of organization or disorganization can provide tremendous insights into the level of sophistication of the offender, including [...]

Cosmetic Surgery Implications

A good evaluation of the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery should be considered because after all, this is surgery and there are high possibilities of complications that arise later on after surgery.

The Life of Sholom Aleichem

The last chapter of Sholom Aleichem's 'Teveye the Milkman' that is one of the stories in "The Old Country" is called Lekh-Lekho "Get Thee Out" and in this, he describes the expulsion of the Jews [...]

Natural Disasters and Businesses

The impact of loss as a result of natural disasters can be perceived with focus on the examples of natural disasters that have occurred in the past with disruption and destruction of business activities.

Was Seneca a Tyrant-Trainer?

When upbringing Nero, Seneca from the point of view of the time solves a problem which was in the centre of attention of the Roman thinkers since Cicero in the new way a problem of [...]