1400-Word Essay Examples. Page 11

2,970 samples

Worldwide Tax versus Territorial Tax

The main distinction between the United States' tax system and that of most countries is the manner in which the earnings that are made in foreign countries are handled when they are repatriated back to [...]

Aesthetic Movement Form and Content

The cult of beauty on the other hand is an exhibition that is one of its kind which hopes to showcase the various types of artistic nature in various parts of the world and also [...]

Evaluating a Research: Do’s and Don’ts

This is because these are the aspects of research that needs assurance for the outcome of the research to be generally accepted for consumption otherwise the research work would be rejected hence a waste of [...]

Brand Community: ITRC HP and BlackBerry Forums

The face-to-face interactive activities promote these products and bonds the members of the brand communities through the organized events. For the ITRC HP forum, the level of education remains higher compared to other online forums [...]

Defining the US Family

These non-traditional families are discriminated against by the presence of the legal definition of a family. Without this universal definition of "family", these individuals, whom for all intents and purposes operate as a family, would [...]

Pledges in Funding the New Project

The new building was to ease congestion in the operation of the day-to-day activities at the museum. Since the introduction of the FASB accounting rule, it became mandatory that all the nonprofit organizations record all [...]

Hockey Violence Intervention

A number of incidences have been reported regarding to the eruption of violence in the course of a game. Due to its importance in the game and the impact that it has, violence has developed [...]

Technology-Based Project Evaluation

It gives answers to the stakeholders about the progress, whether the project team has achieved the desired results, and better ways to change project activities to achieve better results, and whether the project outcome justifies [...]

Anaphor Agreement Effect

In the article, the author seeks to enhance the understanding of anaphor agreement effect. To strengthen the perspective of argument marking, Shiraki shows the different roles that case and agreement play in the context of [...]

Managing the Violent Patient

The professionals help violent patients to understand how they react to particular angering events and the difficulties they encounter. The objective of an evidence-based treatment approach is to identify and deal with factors that provoke [...]

Architecture: The Impact of Villa Savoye

Villa Savoye is one of the frequently discussed projects created by Le Corbusier; still, the discussions should be based on the evaluation of both, negative and positive, aspects of the work and their impact on [...]

Bank of America Mobile Banking

This case study investigates the complexities surrounding the decision to open up the mobile banking application to other lines of business. The other line-of-business managers are hoping to increase the profitability of their products using [...]

Green Computing and Business

This approach requires the management team to grasp the policies and implement the changes decisively, in order to ensure unification of the organization.

Post-Ford Model of Production

Some researchers note that task formulation is the most notable aspect of management, whereas others observe that the availability of human resources is the crucial factor that influences the performance of the management team.

Ballistics in Forensic Science

The bullet trajectory includes the progress of the bullet through the barrel of the gun following discharge or detonation and its pathway both through the air and the aim.

Quality Management: Apple Inc.

One of the factors that indicate the quality of Apple Smartphones is the company's dominance in the world market. This is why Apple has been able to dominate the market in the production of quality [...]

Acquisition Marketing Pros & Cons

Another advantage is that the organization is able to know the customer needs since it has to analyse the needs in the process of acquisition marketing. One of the major disadvantages of acquisition marketing is [...]

High Performing Team Work

That is one has to know the kind of incentives that are considered as instrumental in enhancing his team's performance and those that are regarded as liabilities.

Humanism, Racism, and Speciesism

Cultural imposition within the context of the Spanish, British and other members of the European continent came in the form of the complete erasure of cultural predilections, values, behaviors and even methods of speaking of [...]

Chinese Temporary Workers in Canada

HD Mining, a Canadian-based Mining company, had to lay off some of its Chinese workers after a series of legal battles with a local union that sought to challenge a decision by the country's federal [...]

Drug Crimes and Merton’s Anomie

It is also reported that in the year 2004, seven percent of the State inmates in the United States jails and eighteen percent of the Federal prisoners pointed out that they engaged in committing offenses [...]