1550-Word Essay Examples. Page 4

793 samples

Sustainable Logistics: PlastCo Company

Therefore the Company is concerned with the movement and storage of plastics materials, managing information on the flow of raw materials and the collection of plastics from the point of origin to the final consumption [...]

Substance Abuse and Community Nursing

In the past the failure of properly addressing the problem and scientifically developing and applying the treatment for substance abusers caused many to believe that substance abuse disorders do not respond to any psychological interventions.

Cirque du Soleil: Organizational Behavior

The primary elements of organizational behavior incorporate the philosophy of the management, its principles, vision, and aspirations which is instrumental in directing the culture of the organization, whether formal, informal, or social which in turn [...]

Bomb Calorimetry: Theory and Experiment

Bomb Calorimetry is one of the methods to calculate the standard heat of the reaction of various chemical processes. One of the ways of its application is the determination of the standard heat of organic [...]

Ethics and Sustainability Reporting

The companies contribute to national development and environmental conservation through the payment of taxes and social activities. The social contribution of MNCs begins with the ways they handle their employees, customers, and the host community.

The Ex Machina Film by Alex Garland

Thus, one of the main audiovisual effects in Ex Machina was the vertical camera movements, the red lighting, and the placement of human skulls as a symbolic signifier of the hell laboratory.

“Hiroshima” by John Hersey

The book Hiroshima traces some of the survivors of the war and lists two women, two religious people, and two doctors who narrate the events from a few hours before the bomb was dropped up [...]

Enterprise resources planning systems (ERP)

The systems is a conglomeration of different systems and procedures in an organization, for example the system a company with three departments have the departments linked to the same process such that when something has [...]

Swot analysis of Adams Aircraft

The team of AAI engineers ensured the innovation of smart tunnel device which was used for the purposes of adjusting the centre of gravity and also enabled the airframe to accommodate wide range of engines [...]

Electronic arts (EA): case analysis

Focusing on delivering games in all four of the leading consoles, they achieve to simultaneously launch titles in each of the platform in order to provide a game quality gaming experience to every possible gamer [...]

Minimum Price for Alcohol

The government's intention to set the minimum price for alcohol products is based on the concept of price floors. This implies that raising the minimum price above the market equilibrium will reduce the consumption of [...]