350 Word Essay Topics & Examples. Page 19

3,266 samples

Propaganda During World War II

The Second World War was a complicated time for both the general public and the authorities since while the former worried for their safety, family, and homeland, the latter needed to maintain the national spirit [...]

Global Stocktake and the UAE

Article 14 of the Paris Agreement establishes a regular conference of the parties to the agreement to take "stock of the implementation" of the agreement and the long-term goals, largely revolving around carbon emissions and [...]

The “Man Down” Song by Rihanna

Indeed, the singer and her team used many visual, musical, and stylistic devices to show the world the scale of the problem of the infringement of women's rights and the widespread victim-blaming. The song and [...]

Depression Disorder Intervention

The researchers evaluated the socioemotional signs of mental illnesses in a sample of diagnostically referred adolescents with clinical depression required to undergo regular cognitive behavioral therapy in a medical setting.

Data and Analytics Hyperparameters

Propose an efficient inference technique employing a mix of Gibbs sampling and annealed importance sampling for the log-linear formulation of the higher-order Boltzmann machine, for example. The corporation saves all of the data it has [...]

Anthropology and the Nacirema Group

The Nacirema group is recognized as belonging to the field of cultural anthropology through the analysis of publications; this is because they carried out practices such as piercing the flesh with sharp objects and scraping [...]

Discussion: Ethics and Research

The principle of respect for the personality and autonomy of the subject implies that the research participant must be provided with sufficient information about the research and must independently and voluntarily decide whether or not [...]

Importance of Cultural Diversity

Campaigns such as the Black Lives Matter may be attributed to lack of inclusion and appreciation of different cultures. For instance, the discussion of inclusivity in the 1970s focused on primary and secondary dimensions of [...]

The Value of Higher Education

Malcolm Forbes once said, "Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one" Education is undoubtedly the one factor that eventually decides the level of progress attained by a nation or a [...]

Leininger Sunrise Model in Nursing Care

Cultural competency is a crucial factor in nursing care because it promotes respect and mutual understanding between patients and nurses, facilitates trust and cooperation, and helps patients to feel more comfortable receiving medical care from [...]

A Random Variable and Binomial Experiment

On the contrary, it is considered a continuous random variable if it's quantities or representative array of values are not quantifiable and it accepts any numbers on the reference axis or its interval. Conversely, Y [...]

What World-Class Organizations Need to Improve

World-class organizations adopt various mechanisms to improve and change continuously: integrating technology and innovation, employee engagement, and knowledge sharing. World-class organizations need to involve their employees when implementing a continuous change and improvement strategy.

SIA’s Main Ingredients of Success

SIA's success in the airline industry is owed to the various unique and quality services offered by the company. Therefore, dedication to quality and excellent services and adoption of a continuous service improvement strategy are [...]

Aspects of Bitcoin Transaction Threats

Thus, it is imperative that the wallets are encrypted and have an offline backup to ensure the information can be accessed even after a DDoS attack. This can be addressed by improving the Bitcoin protocols [...]

Neuroscience of Decision-Making

The mentioned problem is the subject of the TED talk The Neuroscience of Decision-Making by Kimberly Papillon. In the case of people with a bias toward racial belonging, these parts are activated in different ways [...]