600 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 15

8,713 samples

Hypothesis Testing in Practical Statistics

However, it is necessary to explain to the management of the restaurant the significance of the test. In conclusion, hypothesis testing is an important method that helps to determine the effectiveness of different solutions.

“Gasland” a Movie by Josh Fox

It is the problem of the antagonism of the interests of industries and the nation. It is not a new conflict, but the fact that the gas industry got exempt from the duty of protecting [...]

Chinese Yuan vs. American Dollar in 2012

When the international currency, more specifically the American dollar, fetches very little in value of a local currency, then that implies that the local currency is strong, which in turn corresponds to the strength of [...]

Child-Centered Play Therapy

The education of parents through the direct involvement in the process of play helps them to build the psychologically competent parent-child relationships aimed at resolving and prevention of social, emotional, and behavioral problems in children.

The Problem of Racism and Injustice

In particular, I agree with his determination to change the situation and to eradicate racism, however, I partially agree with his opinion about faith and making what he thinks is right, and, finally, I do [...]

Child Obesity in Australia

Despite a subtle positive tendency evidenced in the statistics in Graph 1, the situation requires an immediate response from both the government and the society: Among the crucial pathogenic causes of childhood, obesity implies a [...]

Leadership and Gender Prejudice

The world needs more examples of successful and inspiring women, and one of them is Jeanette Clough, the Chief Executive Officer and President of Mount Auburn Hospital, who managed to overcome the crisis in this [...]

World War I and the 1920s

In this case, American citizens went from industry workers and soldiers during the World War I to the explorers, who discover different forms of entertainment in the 1920s because of stabilization of the politics in [...]

Culture Dimension and Influences

A regular basis of people's behavior is caused by their cultural background that impacts on the various levels of human life such as the ways of workers' behavior during the staff meetings, how they perform [...]

Positive Externalities in Production

For example, such activities as the development of water resources and the consequent water allocation are commonly associated with adverse externalities including the reduced supply of water to urban areas and environmental deterioration as opposed [...]

Confidence Interval

According to the developed hypothesis, it becomes clear that a confidence interval parameter of with a random variable of X, the confidence level of p, and the following sample: is called a bordered interval.

What is an Essay?

The body of an essay is divided into the distinct sections in which the author explains one's arguments and explores the subject to convince a reader that the ideas presented in the thesis are true.