850-Word Essay Examples. Page 25

6,878 samples

Ecosystem: Consumer Energy Use

The basic factor of the river ecosystem is the water flow, which influences the entire system. The other factor is the temperature which affects and influences the flow of a river as well as its [...]

The Maryland Toleration Act

That was due to the cruel nature of the punishments stipulated in it for the behavior considered typical today. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the significance of the Maryland Toleration Act and the [...]

Electronic Waste and Recycling Fees

The purpose of this paper is to examine the consequences of e-waste disposal in various fields and social groups, the electronics recycling fee issue for North Dakota, and other measures to develop the current situation.

Jazz and Activism Relationships

In the given article, the author attempted to analyze the musical-theoretical and cultural foundations of jazz from the 1960s to the 20th century in the socio-cultural aspect, establishing the relationship between socio-political events and the [...]

Climate Change in Communication

Moreover, environmental reporting is not accurate and useful since profits influence and political interference affect the attainment of truthful, objective, and fair facts that would promote efficiency in newsrooms on environmental reporting.

COVID-19: Pandemic Review

For example, lack of research and protection gear highlights a gap that needs to be addressed by changing the education practices. The population can use education applications to learn more about the virus and ways [...]

Operation Anaconda Joint Planning Failures

Looking back at the failure of the U.S.operation in Afghanistan, one will realize that the poor organizational planning, which defined the misalignment of the Staffing, Direction, and Control processes, affected the combat strategy and defined [...]

Changing Global Business Environment

Evidence of the growth of economic nationalism and anti-immigration sentiments will be provided in this study to support this position and the implication of this trend on businesses performance outlined in the end.

The Problem of Empowerment of Women

The fact of the poverty feminization can be observed through the number of women being in socially vulnerable groups, sectoral segregation, in other words, the predominance of women in low-paid sectors, and the increase in [...]

Women’s Political Representation

The quotes strategy is believed to substitute the "politics of ideas" with the "politics of presence," only providing for the presence of women in government bodies, and not the representation of their interests.

Art Appreciation on Renaissance Paintings

The paintings identified for this analysis are the Madonna and Child in Glory by Jacopa di Cione in the period between 1360 and 1365, and the Adoration of the Shepherds by Giovanni Agostino da Lori [...]

How AI Increases Web Accessibility

Some of the innovative organizations also create different interpretations of the language and the subtitles of the disabled's answers. AI-based innovations allowed impaired or partially disabled users to recognize the content of the images and [...]

Teaching Styles: Fitness Director

Therefore, the paper aims to discuss the application of the command style, the practice style, and the divergent production as applied to the profession of a fitness director to demonstrate their usefulness for this specialist's [...]

19th Century American Imperialism

Due to the inexperience of America in the concept of global domination, there were great challenges occasioned by the nation's inability to decide whether or not to use the military to secure the interest of [...]