900 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 20

4,255 samples

Policy Issue Action Overview

The Nurse Staffing Standards for Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2019 is a Bill recommended to the Department of Health and Human Services.

How Socrates Influenced His World and the Future

Nevertheless, the fact remains undeniable that Socrates significantly influenced both his modernity and the future development of society, demonstrating his unsurpassed oratory, proposing his method of refuting statements, and making his splendid contribution to the [...]

Kenny Rodgers: Country Music Icon

Kenny Rodgers released his sixth album, "The Gambler," which consisted of the major hit song The Gambler. The album led in the Billboard charts and the Country Music Charts.

Depression in Elders: Social Factors

This paper is dedicated to the research and analysis of social factors that commonly affect depression in the elderly, such as cultural backgrounds, the inability to participate in social activities, disconnection from family, general loneliness, [...]

Gays in the Military

Since it is not the military that introduced the DOD policy, it is the role of the military to ensure that every person who is working in there obeys al the laws that are enacted [...]

Hurricane Katrina: Emergency Response

Regarding the power of the natural disaster, its management demanded the consolidation of all local resources and improved collaboration at all levels to assist people who found themselves in difficult conditions and provide them with [...]

Las Vegas Water Shortage

The lake happens to be the primary source of water for Las Vegas and this is an alarming development for the urban area which has a rapid population growth and is projected to be about [...]

Students With Disabilities: Characteristics and Strategies

Disability Categories Example Strategy English Learner Students 1 Autism is the developmental disability which influences the aspects of social interaction and different types of communication. The child with this disability can demonstrate various restricted and stereotypic patterns of behavior. The student with autism cannot focus attention on the teacher’s words, demonstrates the unusual gestures and […]

The US Patriot Act Defends Liberty

Since the PATRIOT Act was enacted in October of 2001, it has been an essential instrument in ensuring the safety of American citizens in the ongoing 'War on Terror.' The more conducive sharing of information [...]

Liberal Arts Education and Value Breadth Areas

I learned that the knowledge of this area of liberal arts is related to behavioral and social sciences and enhances individuals' understanding, enabling them to be productive within relationships and contribute positively and other people [...]