11 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples. Page 16

1,921 samples

The Development of 106th Brigade

The development of electronic warfare systems is becoming the most effective, rapidly realizable, cost-effective, and sometimes the only possible means to neutralize the technical superiority of the opposing side in the information and technological spheres.

Major Issue for Global Remuneration Plans

In an organization such as Yarn Paradise, the process of employee remuneration is complicated by the multiple issues linked to the complexity of the processes and the need to introduce homogeneity into the payment framework.

Laundry Dream King Services: The Business Plan

The primary objective of the Laundry Dream King Services company is to provide superior client service. The vision of Laundry Dream King Services is to expand the laundry industry countrywide, deliver high-quality services to all [...]

Case Study: Parental Dispute

The threshold criteria are the evidence and facts that are to be proven by the social services in order for the court to consider making the Care and Supervision Order.

Aspects of Criminal Litigation

The analysis seeks to show that the suspect was arrested wrongful, and there was a breach of the law by the arresting officers and indicates wrongful conduct of duty solicitor.

Arabic Language and Linguistics

It is fundamental to know the verbal and non-verbal linguistics of the Arabic dialect to categorize the aspect categories. Equally, the intentum and signum categorized the functionality of conjunctions in the Arabic contexts.

Porsche: Sustaining Digital Brand Community

In this paper, it is argued that the main challenge associated with the sustenance of such brand communities is the lack of moderated discussions in these communities, low levels of trust among different cadres of [...]

Issues and Challenges from a 21st Century Learning Perspective

1. Title English curriculum reform in the Philippines: Issues and challenges from a 21st century learning perspective. Author(s) Barrot, J. Date of Publication 2018 Topic The article is devoted to the problems faced by students and teachers when changing schedules. The issues are considered through the prism of the influence of the schedule on the […]

Attitudes Toward Newly Arrived Refugees

The crisis demonstrates the evolution of interactions between refugees and host nations and the impact of close geographical proximity on attitudes toward immigrants. The war broke out on the 24th of February 2022, to the [...]

The Circular Economy: Key Issues

The primary way of accomplishing this is to increase the productivity and efficiency of resource usage while decreasing the amount of material dumped. Investing in projects that encourage the growth of the circular economy is [...]

The Neurological Theory of Crime

Modern scholars have been interested in a wide range of attributes that have the potential to influence their behaviors, such as the chemicals found in the brain and neurotransmitters.