3 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 186

22,474 samples

Code of Ethics in the Real Estate Sector

Consequently, the victims of the unethical practices mentioned above included the firm's top executives and customers, who found it straining to effectively utilize the project's potential and uneasy about being within the structure's premises. The [...]

Volvo’s Underperformance in China

After the introduction of Volvo into the Chinese market, problems arose that impeded the company's stable development in the country. The theory of managerial capacity has been instrumental in understanding Volvo's shortcomings in its expansion [...]

Cultural Works and the Contribution to Modernism

The main reason for integrating cultural development and sustainability enshrines enhancing compatibility and comfort among the dwellers and dynamic stakeholders in adhering to ethical practices. The architects design these buildings to create, promote, and sustain [...]

Management: Leadership Portfolio

While bad leadership can stifle productivity and jeopardize the viability of the company, strong leadership can assist an organization in maximizing performance and achieving corporate objectives. This will ensure the long-term development of leadership qualities [...]

Christian Management Principles

In regards to the Christian perspective, management should consider the role of leadership as that of a custodian who stewards resources given to them for the advancement of God-directed goals and to God's glory.

Cloning: The Ethical Approaches

As the point of ethical egoism is to support oneself before others, the question of whether an ethical egoist would support cloning is the question of cloning's potential benefit.

Licious Whiskers: Retail Sales Plan

This paper focuses on developing a successful executive sales promotion plan that will enhance the sales of 'Licious Whiskers, a description of the promotion of the sales models to educate consumers about the product, and [...]

Public Schooling: Funding by the Property Tax

Eventually, in the mid-to-late 1800s, some states, especially in the northern and northeastern United States, began passing state laws requiring that all children be offered or required to attend school up to a certain level [...]

Holocaust: Jewish People Genocide

Inspired by the United States' eugenics movement and racist history, he managed to spread the ideas of racial purity among people affected by the consequences of a global depression, promising the restoration of the country's [...]

Live and Become Movie Analysis

Yael enters the school with a passion because of their prejudice and then makes the most surprising and poignant gesture in the movie by openly kissing and licking Schlomo's face to prove he is not [...]

Carl Friedrich Gauss: Mathematician and Innovator

Moreover, Gauss is also the founder of congruence, which was a part of the mathematician's approach to the mentioned theory. Carl Friedrich Gauss became famous for his breakthrough ideas and developments that dramatically affected the [...]

Airbnb Vacation Rental Company

Operating worldwide allows the Airbnb Company a monopoly over shared-accommodation clients, and the company's continued dominance is due to the effective use of machine learning and artificial intelligence technology on a massive scale.

Anti-Terrorist Strategy Regarding Domestic Terrorism

This includes policies protecting the independence and integrity of the Department of Justice, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, intensifying the Federal Government's efforts to combat domestic terrorism and renewing partnerships with state, local, community, [...]

Prison Life, Recidivism and Reintegration

The purpose of prison is to assist in reducing the rate of offenses committed in society and lessen daily crimes. In Canada, the Circle of Support and Accountability concept uses a team of skilled volunteers [...]

Film Techniques in “The Hateful Eight”

Writing and directing a film while capturing genuine emotions and illuminating events from the best angle and perspective that would make sense and catch the attention of the audience is a form of art. The [...]

Simone de Beauvoir: Writer and Activist

In France, feminism has probably the longest and perhaps the brightest literary history,which is determined not only by the sociocultural conditions of the country, but also by the linguistic features of the French language, in [...]

Free Education: The Key Benefits

Promotes the rate of student enrollment in college education Lowering overdependence on student loans to facilitate their education programs Enhancing the rate of college completion among the students To improve the overall status of [...]