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Anthropology: Are We All Gendered Yet?

In particular, the role of women is the issue that is periodically raised and discussed, and various opinions are expressed regarding inequality and the infringement of rights. The impact of gender inequality on women's health [...]

The Huaroni Land: Culture and Ecology

Another thing that struck me in the readings was the openness and hospitality of the Huaorani. Speaking about the indigenous peoples of the Amazon forests, it is worth mentioning the relationship between Christians and Huaorani.

Socrates’ Trial and Involved Forces

This essay will examine the delays in Socrates' prosecution, the local, national, and international forces that affected his trial, and the supporting documentation from the dialogues we have studied, the Hughes movie, the studies of [...]

The Functioning of Terrorist Groups

The ‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland Spindlove and Simonsen (2013) state that political disputes are among the key causes of terrorism. The conflict in Northern Ireland, widely known as “The Troubles” is an example of how political opposition can result in violence and impact the lives of people all around the country. The conflict originated from […]

China and Colonial Administration in Inner Asia

The paper "China and Other Colonial Empires" by Peter Perdue is devoted to the in-depth investigation of China during the Qing dynastys rule and elements that can evidence the imperialistic or colonial character of this [...]

Chief Nurse Executive Concepts

The CNE position may be identified as a managerial one, controlling the activities of all nurses across the institution of their assignment and some hospitals may even require CNEs to oversee admission.

The Dighton Rock Discovering

The inscriptions found on the stone are believed to have been made by the Indians according to the 17th century American scholars. Besides, the message put in the inscriptions is linked to natives and explorers.

Learning in an Organization

It also covers the concept of explicit and tactic learning and lastly the formal and the informal ways employees learn about their jobs, the organization and its culture.

Sustainability in Cruise Tourism Industry

The gains from the industry have been increasing, however as the industry grows issues of major concerns have risen concerning the contribution of the cruise tourism industry to unsustainable development with proposals of the sustainable [...]