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Evolution of Television

Throughout the decade, the cable television was the means of transmission between the transmitters in television network premises and the receivers at the viewer's home.

Central heating systems

The main components of a central heating system include the source of heat and appliances for heating, medium of conveying the heat to the area where heating is required, and spaces for releasing heat.

National Health Services in UK

The increase in the number of patients per year is estimated to be 60,000 people, which means that the cost of taking care of affected people is bound to increase significantly over the years.

Teaching grammar and CLT

Reading of Nassaji and Nunan researches shedding light upon the issues of the form-focused and communicative approaches to language teaching was helpful for enhancing my awareness of the problem and strengthening my persuasion that the [...]

Bipolar Illness and Creativity

People should remember that bipolar disorder can be a very dangerous illness that is more likely to harm the creative capacity of an individual, rather than promote it. First of all, the author believes that [...]

Gender Propagation in Titanic Miniseries

In spite of the film indicating that the people travelling in the Titanic are divided based on their social status, the film goes ahead to show a high level of interaction among the different classes [...]

Reading Disability

The visual and verbal response of children with reading disability is also very poor and in the process affects their manipulation of sounds. One of the best interventions for children with reading disabilities is to [...]

Conflicting Policies toward Minorities

At the end of the nineteenth century, the American government pursued different policies toward various minority groups, even though the representatives of these groups were considered to be distinct from the Anglo-Saxon population.

Industrial Engineer Problems

To develop the plan in relation to the manpower loading for the production of 3000 units during the first four weeks, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all the workers are [...]

Gun politics in the United States

The movie theatre shootings in Aurora and the more recent school shootings are examples of events that have contributed to the increased gun-control debate. In the article, the authors contribute to the debate on gun [...]

Society Ethics in Modern War Technology

The world is moving forward, and it is currently changing from the industrial age to the age of information technology. The United States of America is the leader in technological advancement in relation to military [...]

Acceptable Use Policy

Owners have the authority to change the policies regarding the use of the internet or intranet. Acceptable Use Policy covers the provisions for network etiquette, which is the limitation to the users of network and [...]

Organisational Learning: A Critical Analysis

It is indeed true that many organizations experience difficulty in making organizational learning a reality due to a number of factors that are unique to the organization, discussed as follows: Many organizations are yet to [...]

Three Kinds of Ethics

In the traditional engineering enterprise, when analysis is done between the engineer, engineered individuals and the engineering process, the engineer used to predominate.

Crime & The Media

This essay focuses on the depiction of law and agents of law in the American films Young Mr. The main of aims of law films are to portray the idea of justice to viewers.

Review: The Wild Bride

The entire story of the Wild Bride emanates from the dance that creates the stage. We can notice the pain, confusion, endurance, and the final transformation of the girl.

Effective Memos and Emails

This paper is aimed at discussing the relevance of memos and emails to business communication and the reasons why employees should be able to write them properly.

Private Property and Labor

The sole responsibility of taking care of the family was upon the husband and although he tried to sustain the needs of the whole family, his sickness brought about challenges and hardships to the family.

The Colonial War in Southwest Africa

In the article "German Military Culture and the Colonial War in Southwest Africa, 1904-1907", Isabel Hull states that the reaction of the German militaries to the revolt in Southwest Africa can be classified from the [...]

Democratic Racism in Canada

The Canadian residents and institutions function on the basis of collective denial of the existing racial confrontation, which admits the presence of democratic racism.

The Beggar King of Ithaca

When it comes down to a physical fight, Odysseus has all might to win but his wisdom and graces serve as a conscious and willing determination to be morally correct and he acts as a [...]

Service Quality in Management

Customers evaluate the quality of service according to how they are treated and the level of satisfaction of their needs. Therefore, customer involvement in evaluating the quality of service is important.

The Travel of Sir John Mandeville

Despite the fact that the narration does not contain any information about the author, it still manages to convey the world reminding of the remarkable journeys of Christopher Columbus, Jonathan Swift, and Sir Thomas More. [...]