1250 Word Essay Examples + Topics for Papers. Page 6

1,308 samples

Theories of Juvenile Delinquency

Research showed individuals' attitudes toward crime may herald their criminal behavior, in agreement with criminological theories such as control theory, learning theory and psychological theories like the theory of reasoned action.

Contract Law: Sand Diego Case

In this case the old contract is discharged and there is a substitution of anew contract By vicarious performance: It is open to the parties to have their contract performed vicariously by another person, provided [...]

The Porphyria Medical Case

This increased heme and the block in the biosynthesis pathway together contribute to the enhanced levels of intermediates. The increase of the ALA level is also in favour of hereditary coproporphyria.

Enron Case: White-Collar Crime

White-collar crime can be defined as the unlawful acquisition of money by failing to adhere to the set rules and regulations in terms of fraud and stealing money meant for a private entity or public [...]

Nanotechnology and Nanoink

The same thing is expected to happen the moment the general public begins to have access to nanotechnology. There is also a need to analyze if it can hinder the flow of electricity and other [...]

Incarceration: The Sanctions to Criminals

Some of the individuals, due to their status in society and racial inclinations, have ended up enjoying the favors of the justice system at the expense of other minority groups coexisting in the societies.

Ethical Problem of Smoking

Since the job is urgent and therefore needed in a few days time, I would request her to work on the job with the promise that I will communicate her complaints to Frank and Alice [...]

Honey Bees: Reasons of Disappearance

The disappearance of bees from beehives is correlated to the occurrence of both the virus and the fungus at the same time thus the interaction of these two pathogens play a crucial role.

Assisted Suicide: The Patient’s Decision

Although this is the case, one thing that most of these individuals fail to recognize is that some medical conditions are irreversible; hence, prolonging individual's live means increasing their suffering and hopelessness.

Any Given Sunday: Peace by Inches Speech

During the course of his speech, D'Amato draws parallels between what he understands as being the most important challenges of one's existence and what accounts for the hardest challenges in the realm of professional football, [...]

Rational Decision-Making and Emotions

Fred Wenstop discussed the paradigm of multi-criteria decision analysis by relating it to other disciplines and then he concluded by saying that in order to increase rationality the decision-maker must accept the role that emotions [...]

John Steinbeck: In Dubious Battle

The situation of human struggle against capitalistic system by taking a more communistic attitude, and the contradictive nature of that struggle is reflected in one of John Steinbeck's most celebrated novels, In Dubious Battle, which [...]

Turkish History Since 1900 B.C.

The introduction of the Latin alphabets and writings in schools were some of the initiatives which the president used in order to secularize the Turkish society.

Recreational Shark Fishing

Fishing, especially recreational fishing, is considered to be one of the most famous activities all over the world: people like to spend the vast majority of their time in order to use their imagination, attract [...]