1450-Word Essay Examples. Page 8

2,215 samples

Duty of Care Policy Explained

For proper clarification the document defines what the duty of care is, the definition of other legal terms, offers the legal implications which revolve around the duty of care, and explains the role of other [...]

The Employment At Will Doctrine

Moreover, the employees who obtain an employment contract are on the safe side, as their employers have no right to dismiss them until the end of the contract. The employment at will doctrine describes a [...]

Causes of Wrongfully Convicted

Witness cajoling and falsification of evidence were common in the cases that Scarcella had dealt with. The group pinpointed several inconsistencies in Chmil's cases that could have resulted in the conviction of innocent individuals.

California Geological Profile

The type of rocks found in California are diverse because it is said that, the state experiences some of the most diverse geological forces; which have in turn created some of the most diverse mineral [...]

Seven Learning Styles Explained

An example of the use of this learning style is the use of acting to dramatize and experience certain concepts during instruction. An important example of the use of this learning style is the use [...]

Nigeria’s Telecommunication Marketing

The following are some of the objectives developed for the telecommunication industry in Nigeria To find out possible market expansion gaps expand in a five year period To find out the best customers retentions methods [...]

The Private Equity Industry and Its Actors

In spite of the fact that the private equity industry depends on all changes in the local and global economics, finances, and investment trends, its development is still observable, and positions in this industry remain [...]

Clear Hear Company: Maximizing Profits

One limitation of this option is that the firm's production cost of the Alpha model is $17 while the buyer is offering $15 as the buying price; this affects the profitability of 70,000 units produced [...]

How to Commit Skimming Successfully

It also describes the impact of weak controls and the prevention of the crime in a company. The prevention of asset misappropriation is a strategy that an organization can use to reduce losses.

Wal-Mart in Various Markets

The success and failure of the company in some markets require an analysis of the company's strategies to identify areas of weaknesses and recommend strategies for success.

Racial Profiling: Term Definition

A study of history can easily reveal the folly of classifying people, in ancient times there used to be a derogatory term that a rich and powerful civilization used to describe others.

Effective Employee Compensation

Due to the risks that are apparent for the employees, agency theory articulates that firms have the obligation to pay the employees a premium.

No to Cloning for Medical Research

Those who do not subscribe to cloning for biomedical research believe that the embryo is in fact "one of us"; a human life in process an equal member of the species "Homo Sapiens" in the [...]

South Korean Movie Industry

For example, The King and the Clown was one of the first films to portray open homosexuality in Korean cinema. The audience, relating to the struggles and emotions of the characters, began to accept homosexuality.

Buyer-Supplier Relationship Management

The major principles of cooperation are joint efforts and supported interdependency that can lead to the development of competitive advantages. According to the extended typology of buyer-supplier relationships suggested by Kim and Choi, the collaboration [...]

Vector Mechanics for Engineers

Of the two types, the 'ball and roller bearings are the most efficient since the severity of the rolling friction is negligible as compared to the sliding friction.

Brazil Textile Industry Development

Due to the development of the manufacturing segment and the popularity of the clothes and apparel made in Brazil, the domestic market faced a rapid progress. The primary purpose of the paper is to evaluate [...]

Characteristics of Radioactive Emission

The goal of this experiment was to illustrate various parameters of radioactivity, including the plateau of a Geiger-Muller counter, finding the resolving time of a Geiger tube, verifying the inverse square law, measuring the penetrating [...]

A Real Fraud in Organizations

The fraud involves the use of certain types of chemicals to make the figures on the cheque be invisible and then the cheque which appears as blank is filled with the desirable amount.

Researching Christian Science Center

Thus, the objective of this paper is to compare the major extensions of Christian Science Center and the West Wing of the Museum of Fine Arts in relation to the original buildings, in particular, and [...]

Edward Albee, His Life and Works

The theater had clearly gotten tired of the mainstream works of arts and therefore was at a stagnated stage both in respect to originality and creativity and therefore when Albee burst into the scene as [...]