1750-Word Essay Examples. Page 4

1,102 samples

Automation in Horticulture

A farmer can situate the sensor and controller alongside the crops and outside, respectively, to allow the effective tracking of the underlying conditions and to adjust input trigger values.

Sexual Assault and Its Effects

Some of the actions that may be termed to as sexual assault include; intended touching of the victims private parts like the genitals or breasts; voyeurism, subjection to exhibitionism, un-willful subjection to pornography; or the [...]

Debate on the Racial Profiling in the USA

The extent of racial profiling has been studied in some states, for example, in the Arizona Sentinel Investigation of all the vehicles which were stopped in the interstate highway in Florida, "While nearly 705 of [...]

The Search Continues: Who Is God?

I acknowledge the idea of God being like an electronic circuit by the fact that God created everything and thus through Him we can get the access of all where as without Him, it is [...]

Intercultural Global Business Industry

How the strategy will improve interpersonal relationships within the global business industry and foster intercultural competence This study will be a multi-thronged approach to the issues of cultural variations and interpersonal relationships in the global [...]

Oracle v. California Case

Political maneuvers on the part of Logicon to ensure the contract went through complicated issues, but not to the extent demonstrated by state bureaucrats, who not only failed to scrutinize the deal as much as [...]

Richard Preston’s Idea of Nature

In addition, he has authored a number of books such as 'First Light', 'American Steel', 'The Cobra Event', 'The Hot Zone', 'Wild Trees' and 'The Demon in the Freezer'.'The Hot Zone' was published in 2002 [...]

Blood Pressure & Capillary Exchange

This is due to the baroreceptor reflex, whereby, stretch receptors in the carotid artery are not stimulated resulting in less stimulation of the cardiovascular center. This results in decreased vagal activity and increased sympathetic stimulation [...]

The Period of Religious Crisis

In addition the growth in the number of smaller cities meant that in countries which lacked a major metropolis, there was a considerable increase in the proportion of the population living in urban areas, however [...]

Nokia Corporation Market Research

For the marketing of Nokia 1100 in the Indian market, Nokia adopted the logo 'Made for India'. For the marketing of the Nokia N81 Music Phone, the viral website-based advertising campaign is adopted by Nokia.

Financial Advisors and Planning

The ultimate objective of these behaviors is to provide customers with a high-quality outcome that enhances the ethical and professional reputation of the financial advisers. The second ethical behavior is that the financial advisers should [...]

Memoirs Of A Sleep-Walker

One such use of the word is found in the line "...my condition, the savage rushed from his covert in order to complete his work" is used in the sense that depicts the enemy who [...]

Australian Anti-Terrorism Laws

In the quest to protect citizens, some governments have gone to the extend of inflicting torture on terror suspects in need to obtain some information from the suspect, which raises concern about the suspect's civil [...]