2000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 17

2,081 samples

Cybercrimes: Theories and Sociological Perspective

The accelerated digitization of personal, business, and governmental activities and the application of such emerging technologies as remote working, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things have facilitated the explosive growth in cybercrime.

Residential Property Research Report

The purpose of this analysis was to examine and recognize the property's type, the residential property industry, value conceptions, and the unique locational elements that drive residential property prices in distinct submarkets.

Genes Cause Breast Cancer

Evidence suggests the role of BRCA1 in DNA repair is more expansive than that of BRCA2 and involves many pathways. Therefore, it is suggested that BRCT ambit containing proteins are involved in DNA repair and [...]

Transforming Lives and Making a Difference

TOMS' revolutionary one-for-one approach has developed the business model that has contributed to the profitable success and transformed the lives of millions globally for the better. In this case, the market determines the price of [...]

How a Film Interprets Hamlet

Laurence Olivier's need to focus on less traditional approaches, his need to shorten the production, and the need to perform a psychological analysis of the characters determine his interpretation of the play 'Hamlet'.

“Penal Crisis” and Its Social Roots

The reason for this is thoroughly objective: the dramatic rise of the incarceration rate that has taken place through the last few decades in most Western countries did not result in improving the overall criminological [...]

Contemporary People Management: Apple Inc.

In order to facilitate this, the organization has to respond effectively to all the changes that happen in the internal environment, as well as the external environment. The performance of the employees has a direct [...]

Impressionism in Music and Art

The natural light appears in a variety of types which gives the impressionist artist much freedom to alter the details of the objects in the painting using the natural light in different types.