Writing a short essay may look simple at first, but this type of academic assignment comes with specifics and nuances. That’s why you may find it hard to organize all your ideas and arguments in a 750-word document, which is less than three pages long.
Professors often assign a 750-word paper as a college admission essay (400 to 800 words), a personal statement (400 to 800 words), a five-paragraph essay of any genre (400 to 800 words), a movie or book review (500 to 2000+ words), a piece of critical writing (500 to 2000+ words).
So, whatever course you’re studying and whatever tasks you’re used to, getting a 750-word assignment shouldn’t come as a surprise for you. Here are some valuable topics, prompts, and tips to simplify this task’s completion. And if you’re looking for more inspiring examples, check our free essay samples collection!
Even though security is pertinent, the government has in several occasions gone to the extremes of totally compromising the privacy of the citizens which it is charged with the responsibility of protecting.
This is very important both in the local and global market as the ranking and dependability of an organization rely on the perceptions of its consumers.
Thus it can be seen that the concept of inequality occurs naturally in nature. I can even go so far as state that inequality is even a necessity in the grand scheme of things.
Controlling is a complex and comprehensive process that entails the establishment of performance standards in regard to an organization's objectives, measuring the performance and reporting the results, comparing the attained results and the desired expectations [...]
In studying the influence of the social contract theory on the American nation historians and philosophers always mention the names of two philosophers, John Locke and Thomas Hobbes.
The problem is that my co- worker does not think the candidate is fit for the position. My co- worker concluded that the candidate is not fit for the job probably because she is a [...]
Artist and designers use the term painting to refer to both the act of and the result of painting. The "Heart of the Andes," is a landscape painting and was done in 1859.
Moore, seeks to pass across the message that "education system in a way has failed due to lack of financing which has led to deteriorating of the educational system in the United States of America, [...]
This paper provides a historical account of institutionalized racism in the United States from the 1850s through the civil war up to the repeal of Jim Crow laws.
In the likely event that the demands of a client are similar to those already available in the records then it would be wise to borrow the idea and a little modification gives it a [...]
Some people, who to me, pretend to be living in an ideal world, have tended to explain the existence of ghosts as being in the minds of people, and therefore to them, people react according [...]
The local and military officials have laid down policies that are aimed at controlling the spread of the disease and lessening the economic, health, security, and communal impacts.
Although the mother's speech to her daughter seems motivated by love and she provides her child with information she believes the girl will need in order to survive as a women in the Western Caribbean [...]
Since different societies have different dress cultures, it is important for visitors and immigrants to adopt the dress culture of the country that they are in. This will show a degree of unity and respect [...]
His role as a leader among the Mandinka people of Mali since the time when he founded the Mali Empire in the year 1230, till his sudden death in 1255 propelled him to the rank [...]
Crisis management, therefore, becomes a crucial factor of checking and controlling the performance of the organization by acting in a proactive and active way to prevent an event which has a potential likelihood of leading [...]
In the study of religion, it is important to look at the reasons underlying the groupings in religious circles and the theory that strives to explain the emergence and development of new religious bodies from [...]
In particular, it is most beneficial to the SCI patient during the acute phase of spinal injury, before the patient can withstand orthostatic exercise and before commencement of the customary exercise.
In a case study of food and money transfer in Bangladesh, wheat and rice transfer, and cash transfer were provided to the people. The cash transfer offers people an opportunity of choosing as they determine [...]
Another description of faith pertains the view that all that exists because of the creation is a gift to humanity and that all should be grateful for it.
In more complex terms, however, the concept of information security is often viewed under the lens of protecting data and complex information systems from unauthorized or illegal access, use, revelation, interruption, modification, examination, inspection, recording [...]
In the world of sport, man has internalized the concept of supernatural intervention as the basis of success. Man has always believed in existence of supernatural powers and has established religion to practice the art [...]
Therefore, the main idea of the greatest happiness principle is to make sure that more people are satisfied, however, the volume of the satisfaction is not discussed as well as the level of harm caused [...]
However, not all members of the community surrounding the University are technologically literate. To improve access to digital technology in Michigan Technological University and the surrounding areas, various measures should be put in place.
The Mongol Empire deployed a tactic which they used to wipe away all urban populations and then later on refused to surrender in one of the attacks by the Kievan Rus. In fact, as one [...]
Some the databases used in the functioning of the business are; Databases resources management-This is the managerial activity applied to information system that helps in the management of organization resources.
Statsky's treatment of the subject is balanced, and the arguments expressed by the author are not restricted to the side she supports but also the opposition.
The article has a systemic representation of the events that occurred in the field of literature. The author points out that location of Bohemia in Czech was described in literature.
There are generally three unique types of cars common to modern consumers: economy, sports and luxury cars. Economy cars are also usually small and the features of the car usually depend on the year of [...]
On the other hand, the sugars which are said to be in almost all McDonald's products, made Spurlock addicted to the food that he ate and made him always coming back for more.5.
According to Verena and Rocha, economic policies that seek to improve potential of the supply-side in an economy are very significant in promoting growth of markets and industries and consequently accelerates the growth of real [...]
Due to the increasing change in current market and market diversity, there is a critical need to carry out package redesign for market products in order to catch up with the emerging market requirements, and [...]
A number of surveys have been carried out to determine the use of industrial/ organization psychology in the U.S.it is established that the use of psychologists in private companies, government organizations and agencies is on [...]
It is the market value of these final goods and services that is referred to as gross domestic product. A general rise in the average price of goods and services in an economy is referred [...]
One should always remember that poetry is something that stays the same through the centuries, reminding people of the bygone centuries and the traditions that the people of the then times adhered to.
The Thunderbolt technology storage devices provide an opportunity for manufacturers to continue in the process of providing both professionals and consumers with quality devices.
In addition the information regarding the amount of raw material used and the number of assembled produced are submitted to the clerk who inputs the date into the inventory system.
Availability bias is a cognitive bias introduced by the consumer's state of memory. To lessen the effects of this bias, a study should develop neutral research questions.
It is said that knowledge is the strongest source of power, and the organizations that are ranked at the top in business world, such as Apple, Google, and Southwest Airways are investing lots of money [...]
Narrative communication in the teaching and learning process is an act of enhancing attention of learners through storytelling. In addition, educators should be creative and should embrace the use narrative communication so as to enhance [...]
Increased applications of psychology in law enforcement departments have led to rampant professional issues, legal issues and ethical issues within the police departments.
Marketing is vital because the public cannot vote for a candidate who is not known to them and thus this paper explains the various strategies that politicians employ in order to have an upper hand [...]
The vision of the organization is to strive and gain support for all undertakings and operations of charitable organizations, public agencies, and business as well as ensuring that every preschool effectively and sufficiently serves the [...]
A number of healthcare systems exist in the United States and are run by the federal government and the private sector. The major goal of all healthcare services is the provision of high quality care [...]
Poor methods of curriculum delivery and inability to develop innovative approaches to teaching and learning are the major bottlenecks in the enhancement of teaching and learning mathematics. This research will seeks to analyze and examine [...]
In line with the company's strategy of increasing sales, Carnival Corporation has engaged the services of tour operators and wholesalers in selling its services.
Every American should have a one year college education in order to participate in rebuilding the economy of the country. The outcomes of the one year college education are great and have put some people [...]
Evidently, from the case analysis, the processing and exchange of information at the HP Company occurred from various processing points as opposed to single repository and processing unit.
A customer enquired at the sales and marketing department with one of the representatives, the Aramex Company representatives aggregated their efforts to attend to the customer complaint about the customer's bag that had been misplaced.
A fiery critic of the Papacy doctrines, Martin Luther believed that any good choice made by man has to be founded on God's principles and not from institutions like Roman Catholic Church, which was based [...]
This means that the firms operating in an oligopolistic market not only have a firm grip over the prices charged to customers, but they also limit entry of new firms into the market.
The argument stipulates that the world is a place filled with such novel interlocking intricacy to the extent that the sole rational justification centers on the existence of an intelligent designer.
It is also important to recognize the close connection that exists between language and culture and recognize that for that reason choosing one language to be the language of the world might difficult.
Sixth, managers should be encouraged to keep their communication clear, simple and unambiguous when communicating to a multicultural workforce for the purpose of achieving effective communication, not mentioning that they should avoid engaging in humor [...]
The following are the characteristics that should be put into consideration; the students' development period, language and cultural backgrounds, the information pertaining the knowledge and skills they already have, personal characters among learners, for example, [...]
Such people might attempt to steal information with a motive of using it to exploit the company by selling confidential information to the competitors or to leverage on the same to get a new job.
Since the management determines the main changes of any organization, Katz opines that managers should act as agents of change by adopting alternative concepts that involve the employees' beliefs and ideas as opposed to emphasizing [...]
To cover up for all this debts, Green explained to the council that it was her spouse who was in charge of managing the family funds while she looked after their 13 children.
Information sharing amid families and staff is crucial in the daily updates of occurrences in the school; furthermore, there are several ways of attaining this concept. The family fraternity should be invited at the start [...]
After the attacks, the soldiers organized themselves and followed the enemy into the north of their bunker, where along the way they encountered a mutilated body of one of them tied to a post.
Many people had lived the way he did, mainly the refugees, but he did so by choice, since his teachings emphasized that people should live a natural life, he chose to teach the people by [...]
Management have the role of enacting policies and strategies that optimally utilize their resources to add value to their customers; they have the task of optimally managing resources and ensuring that maximum gain has been [...]
The relationship between cultural and cross-cultural psychology is from a definition point of view. Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are the most effective in cross-cultural psychology studies.
The beginning of the twenty-first century reflects the concerns of people about the sources of energy, lack of power supply, and importance of reconsidering values and sources of energy that have been established in the [...]
Economic, social, and political changes played a considerable role in affecting the scope of movies. Changing social and individual preferences helped the integration of the movies with other social features.
The first solution to this problem is to educate every person in the developing world about the importance of proper food production and preparation practices.
The Hewlett Packard Company faces the problem of over expenditure and therefore it is trying to cut down on the yearly expenses especially in the information and Communication Technology department.
The events that led to the arrest were faulty since they did not involve the establishment of substantial evidence that the three were guilty of the crime.
According to Holinger, a world class citizen relates well with other groups, and all human beings: Cosmopolitan is about justice, which should be evident in all aspects and it must be the one governing the [...]
This essay elaborates her intentions with the support of academic sources and her movie in order to demonstrate her cause of action as a freedom fighter for her country and not a terrorist as perceived.
Through fear of failure to perform under the new change, they may develop a resistance to that particular change. It is against this awakening that it is important for the manager to effectively reduce resistance [...]
The situation that was presented by the threat and the final occurrence of the Second World War then facilitated research into the nuclear field which led to the development of nuclear weapons.
The main agenda of the article is that in any organization, there should be a main focus on the employees who are above average so as to ensure not only their productivity but also the [...]
According to my classification system, TV shows can be classified according to main theme of the show. Under the theme of conflict, three different types of conflicts were used to categorize the TV shows.
The authenticity and process of examining individuals have been applicable in the public domain to determine whether it is the best way to judge a student's ability and qualifications.
For instance, the reason African-Americans were included in the affirmative action was to compensate them after centuries of social injustices. ADA and affirmative action were incepted in the spirit of the civil rights movement.
Low self-esteem is associated with a person's emotional response to self-perception and social expectation. Low-self esteem is associated with the feeling of failure to meet social expectation.
While jails are run by local governments or sheriffs and are designed for housing people serving short sentences or awaiting trial, prisons on the other hand, are run by Federal Bureau of Prisons and state [...]
The forces of demand and supply in the market determine the prevailing market price. This is because, at prices below the equilibrium price, the product looks unattractive to the producers.
In the Story "The man to send rain clouds" by Silko, the central conflict is lack of rain or drought. Culturally the two believed that when the old man dies, he is capable of sending [...]
Typical language development refers to the normal processes of language acquisition in which individuals learn given aspects of language such as phones and morphology.
The author presents the experiences of the Korean community to communicate the common struggles that the children faced and how they tried to solve the problem of identity.
Frederick Herzberg in an attempt to comprehend this issue and the aspect of work force satisfaction and encouragement in the 1970s embarked on determining the impact of mind-set on motivation through requesting individuals to tell [...]
The projective test on the other hand is ambiguous and the respondent has to answer unstructured questions. The use of psychological tests in research is divided into three.
From the above list, the stakeholders that can be deemed of high importance and varying influence may be: The media houses the bit torrent technology inventors Media regulating agencies Copyright law enforcers The media houses [...]
In figure 1, it is worth noting that the process of developing and sustaining a good risk management framework involves five major steps whose objectives include: Emphasis on continuous process improvement, Provision of comprehensive and [...]
Taking this particular example into consideration, it can be seen that in the case of Amanco and its Latin American branches the varying cultures in each individual branch developed their method of interpreting the generalized [...]
In conclusion, the underdevelopment of the Latin American countries was as a result of their economic and political control by the metropolitan powers.
Transfer of knowledge also known as transfer of learning is a notion that refers to the ease of performance of new tasks owing to previous exposure to a similar situation or a situation that shares [...]
Essentially, recent trends shows that firms in pharmaceutical and airline industries pay much attention to price tiers since its differential is based on economic and demographic characteristics of the target consumers. Differential pricing strategies depend [...]
Corporate social responsibility is very crucial to the future of the organization, as it places the organization at a very competitive edge by giving it a positive image to the stakeholders and the general public.
The opening remarks tell the audience that the setting of the movie is Los Angeles and the year is 2019. As people begin fleeing the city, littered streets and abandoned houses dominate the landscape of [...]
The company was established in the year 2000 to cater for the needs of fashion conscious New York population and has expanded to establish new shops in Myrtle Beach in South Carolina State and Virginia.
The article under consideration is titled Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media and it is written by the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Family Physicians.
Incidences of people living in 'bad' houses full of ghosts and evil spirits cropped up to support the existence of a link between the dead and the living.
The poem is rightfully regarded as one of the best literary works in the world literature due to the stunning imagery with its special grave mood created by the author and the use of bright [...]
People used religion to explain the happenings of and within the universe by viewing the universe as godly beginning with nothing to do with scientific development.
With the availability of learning content, digitalization, and access to learning tools such as eBooks, technology is changing the education sector for the better, despite a few drawbacks such as students accessing inappropriate content online.
Such students have the right to receive the same learning opportunities, which is why textbooks, in-person assistance, and in-print information provision are some of the measures that can be applied.
In this sense, LED light will decrease the demand on the electricity system, which, in turn, will reduce the strain on the environmental resources required to generate power and saves money.
The significance of the problem: the inability to adapt teaching practices to the needs of ELLs is likely to result in a continuing learning gap for all current and future students.
As a result, the paper investigates the effects of technological development in countries, focusing on the influence on education. Essentially, the research question is ‘Does a country’s level of technological development affect the quality of […]
Therefore, decision-makers must grapple with the problem of distant learning planning, as institutions are caught between the desire to serve students online and the requirement to maintain traditional student services.
It is vital to evaluate the legal implications, parental views, and ethical pitfalls associated with the inclusion of technology in the curriculum to understand its impact on children in schools.
📝 Argumentative 500-750 Word Essay Topics
Parents play a vital role in children’s schoolwork.
School safety should be improved.
Liberalism is the most optimal political arrangement.
Data collection on social media should be banned.
Parents need to limit children’s screen time.
The Internet has contributed to people’s access to education.
However, the authors further explain that there is much more to the cost-benefit theory than actual costs and benefits: the theory is practically about “comparing the advantages and disadvantages of a potential decision”.
In particular, Dietz, whose scholarly interest lies in the field of human ecology and environmental policy, traced a history of environmentalism in his article and emphasized the importance of integrating social science in environmental research.
The strategy established in the study demonstrates the impact on nurses of intense communication from nursing management to reduce falls and the effects on older patients, the organization, and staff nurses.
The authors consider repositioning as the primary method of the reduction of PUs and call for the creation of an individual plan for each patient who has a risk of developing it.
The book speaks of the competent manager who is able to use all the resources available in the organisation to move the organisation forward. The author discusses the causes of intergroup conflict, power and political […]
✏️ How to Write a 750 Words Essay
If you’re unsure about the form and content of your 750-word assignment, here are some guidelines to follow.
750-Word Essay Structure
Since a 750-word essay is around three pages long and has around 400-500 words for the text’s body, it is most commonly written as a five-paragraph essay. Thus, the structure of this assignment will look as follows: you should allocate around 100-150 words to an introduction, formulate three strong arguments and discuss them in three 150-word body paragraphs, and then wrap up the essay’s content with a concluding section for 100-150 words.
750-Word Essay Introduction
A rule of thumb is to allocate 10% to the essay’s introduction, but here, it would be only 75 words, which is pretty little, even for a small paper. Thus, you can allocate 10-20% to the introductory part, which equals one paragraph (100-150 words), where you will introduce the general idea, context, background, your essay’s topic, and the thesis statement.
You may calculate the word count of your conclusion by the same token: it will take one full paragraph to wrap up your arguments and ideas. As a rule, a 10-20% threshold is fine for small papers like a 750-word essay, so you can make a conclusion anywhere from 100 to 150 words long. Summarize your main points, rephrase the thesis statement, and formulate a call to action based on your findings.
How Many References Should I Use in a 750 Word Paper?
It’s hard to give a one-size-fits-all recommendation for the number of references to use in such a paper, but a common standard is to use 10-12 references for every 1,000 words. Thus, your paper may have 7-10 references, which will be enough for an essay of this length.
Making a reference list according to the style required is easy with this works cited generator.
🎓 College 750 Word Essay Prompts
Personal Narrative Essay 750 Words
A 750-word essay may often take the form of a personal statement in which you can reveal your key character traits, values, life-changing events, and so on. Use this space to talk about the things that make you who you are and form your unique worldview and character.
750 Word Essay on Respect
Respect is a vital concept in all spheres of human life; it’s essential for people to be respected, which is a sign that people accept and share what they do, think, and cherish. Things and people that you respect can also say much about who you are. Thus, examining the topic of respect and talking about your objects of respect is a good idea for a 750-word essay as well.
750 Word Essay about Moral and Ethics
Every person should have a moral compass and a set of guiding ethical principles and values they employ to assess people, decisions, situations, and themselves. Discuss the importance of strong morals and ethics, mention your own ethical and moral guidelines, and talk about the parameters by which you judge other people’s morality. Focus on the complexities of acting morally and the ethical dilemmas you have faced in life.
Such ideas were able to change in the future but speaking of the time when the events of the Civil War took place, the economy, tired of the war, was in horrible shape and needed […]
He returned to the north and continued his education with the goal of expanding the rights of black people. Dubois’ ideology was rooted in agitation, resistance, and independence of the black spirit.
Unlike the New England, the geography of the middle region was warmer the land was fertile and flat. Overall, the settlers of middle region were religious and tolerated the beliefs of other ethnicities.
The civil rights movement was the event that significantly impacted the American society of the 20th century and initiated the more powerful development of Black literature.
Andrew Jackson and his forces chose to continue the Trail of Tears and arbitrarily, cruelly, and violently remove the Cherokee inhabitants while destroying their magnificent people and culture even after they were presented as a […]
Decades after the event, the deployment of US troops to Vietnam is considered one of the most unsuccessful military operations in the history of the country.
At that time, this act was one of the first to oppress the position of the black population. In addition, the act provided for the organization of detachments that were supposed to return the liberated […]
📣 Persuasive Topics for 750-1000 Words Essays
People’s impact on forests should be diminished.
Gaming consoles affect youth attention timespan.
Violent TV programs should be banned.
Programming ads for children should be banned.
Instagram distorts women’s body image.
The drinking age should be lowered.
There are legal instruments for stopping ethnic killings.
While The government is the system that makes laws and ensures that they are followed, it is the person who wields power who is responsible for the equality and impartiality of its enforcement.
The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice is considered one of the most popular works of William Shakespeare. The young courtesan, Bianca, is presented in the play as the mistress of one of the […]
The correlation of the fate of the hero with the development of society, which is the main distinguishing feature of the genre of tragedy, can take on a variety of artistic forms.
He does not seek to seize the treasure his intention is only to deprive the possessor of the treasure of pleasure. A cynic to the depths of his brain, he sees only the flipside in […]
The first couple is Claudio, a lord and close friend of Prince of Aragon Don Pedro, and Hero, daughter of Leonato, governor of Messina. Don John, the brother of Don Pedro, plays a prominent role […]
Context: The boatswain of the ship carrying the Italian dignitaries is wrestling with the storm that threatens to destroy the entire ship and all its crew.
📌 750 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions
📌 750 Word Essay Is How Long?
How many pages is a 750-word essay? It depends on the line spacing. A paper of this length will take one and a half pages (single-spaced) or 3 pages (double-spaced). The exact length of your 750 words will depend on the citation style used, the footnotes, and the bibliography.
📌 How Many Paragraphs Is 750 Words?
How much is 750 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 750-word essay will consist of 5-8 paragraphs.
📌 750 Words Is How Many Sentences?
How many sentences is a 750-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 750 words are not less than 38-41 sentences.
📌 How to Write a 750-Word Paper Outline?
An essay of 750 words is an extensive piece that requires a serious approach to researching, outlining, and writing. The three parts of a 750-word essay are the introduction (15% of the total volume), body (70%), and conclusion (15% of the total volume). The exact number of paragraphs will depend on how many arguments you have. Note that a typical paragraph contains 100-200 words on average.
📌 How Fast Can You Write a 750 Word Essay?
How long does it take to write a 750-word essay? It will take you 15-30 minutes to type 750 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than 2 and a half hours for a 750-word paper.
📌 How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 750 Word Essay?
A typical 750 words essay consists of 7 to 9 paragraphs. Each of the paragraphs should contain 75-150 words.