900 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 11

4,255 samples

Lesbianism in the Society

These types of marriages have been highlighted so much by the media to the extent of the society accepting the issue of men and gayism as a normal occurrence in the society.

Private Gun Ownership Should Be Banned

The main objective of the argumentative system is instrumental in helping out the policymakers and enables them to lead a normal logical conclusion on the subject of gun control policy and life within the main [...]

Art at the Renaissance and the Age of Baroque

Renaissance painting, on the one hand, originated from medieval depiction of religious themes and stories as well as from Ancient Greek and Roman patterns of human beauty, freedom and value, clearly demonstrated by the Renaissance [...]

Asian Americans in the United States

Despite these achievements, they are still facing various forms of "discrimination" and "stereotyping"."Stereotypes of East and Southeast Asians are ethnic stereotypes that are found in many Western societies.

Poetry. “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes

The Harlem Renaissance, a period spanning roughly the decades of the 1920s and 1930s, is frequently referred to as a literary movement, but the movement also encompassed a great explosion of African-American expression in many [...]

Ethical and Legal Responsibilities

The significance of values in a business is highlighted by the growing importance of corporate governance. Some ethical issues too arise in the health care in rural areas, and these problems influence the delivery of [...]

Risk Management in Justice and Security Organizations

In criminal justice, the pace of advancement, drives continual change and development, Risk management should capitalize on the most important external opportunities and internal strengths, The main activities of risk mitigation are related to the [...]

Designer Presentation: Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani, one of the most conservative designers belongs to the narrow aristocratic circle of the fashion industry given his adherence to the eternal classics of black and white as well as other natural colors.