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Hollywood Taxes for the Film Industry

The article "Hollywood Asks California to cut Taxes for the Film Industry" discusses a petition launched by Film Works aimed at convincing the state of California to implement tax cuts for the film industry.

MacDonald’s New Service Standard

In particular, the author speaks about the decision to reduce the amount of time which is needed to serve clients in the so-called "drive-through" parking spots. This is one of the main pitfalls that should [...]

Steve Tobin’s Ceramic Artworks

Combining the time-honored traditions of ceramics art with some of the most extraordinary approaches, Tobin manages to not only shock the viewers into paying attention, but also create the mind-benders that make the viewers reflect [...]

Crowdsourcing Website Design

The idea is to create a database of various car dealers and spare parts distributors for various vehicle manufacturers, the manufacturers' recommended retail prices of these parts, and the selling prices of these parts as [...]

Origins of the “Final Solution”

In the article "The Holocaust, The Church Struggle and some Christian Reflections" Alice Eckardt presents the idea of the Holocaust is the result of several distinct factors, namely: that it was the culmination of the [...]

Maternal Mortality Reduction

Maternal deaths are mostly attributed to lack of proper medical attention of a skilled health or medical worker, unsafe abortions, excessive bleeding when giving birth and generally lack adequate education to pregnant women on pregnancy [...]

Obama’s Brain Mapping Project

It can be considered that the government has failed to recognize the importance of such an establishment until recently According to CNN, the US president has launched a $100 million funding for the establishment of [...]

Coastal Erosion of Kivalina Island

Likewise, in Kivalina, the erosion of the coastal lands has led to fear and uncertainty among the people as the environment they depend on for their livelihood changes before their own eyes and the changes [...]

Preference of Prefab Over Other Methods

Cost-efficient Prefab sores over other building methods due to its cost efficiency which occurs primarily through "less labor" which results from "efficient manufacturing" due to "mass customization" which "costs significantly less than pure custom, site-built [...]

Labor Management Relation Act of 1947

The president would seek the Senate's consent and advice to enable him accomplish this. This was in regard to free commerce flow and would be accomplished though voluntary arbitration, conciliation, and mediation.

Improving Air Quality in the US

Online and offline programs that will educate the public about the impact of emissions on their lives, fairs and presentations dedicated to environmental initiatives, and researches focusing on environmental problems in the city will increase [...]

Health Information System Evaluation

It is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of HIT for healthcare and the approaches distinguished from the standard systems' assessment. The second difficulty is related to the demand in using HIT systems for various operations [...]

Analysis of Modern Interior Design Style

The factors mentioned above and the interior design style are associated because the industry of interior design is a broad discipline that combines knowledge and technologies of many fields. The first major factor that has [...]