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Events in the 1984 by George Orwell

This paper explores the similarities and dissimilarities between the book's events and the occurrences of contemporary society in 2014. Orwell's accounts in the book 1984 strike many similarities with the events happening in contemporary society.

George Orwell’s Novel 1984

The world is involved in an endless war, and the political regime called Ingsoc and headed by a mystical Big Brother permanently looks for ways to control the citizens' minds and private lives.

The First World War History and Aspects

The U.S.did not participate in the war at first, but events such as the sinking of Lusitania, the publishing of the Zimmerman Note, and the Russian Revolution convinced the American authorities to cause the [...]

World History in the Songs

The high emphatic accent is made by the author through the description of murdering children of the miners. Through this song, the author reveals the absence of legal rights of the employees at the time [...]

Emancipatory Knowing in Nursing

The complexity of the healthcare system is gradually impacting the overall wellbeing of patients. In other words, they can opt to communicate specific social issues that contravene the wellbeing of patients and their families.

Eliminating Ethnic and Racial Stereotypes

Racial stereotypes are a complex of the misimpression and the prejudice one group of people has against the other. He does not contradistinguish himself of the society but tries to tell people he is also [...]

“The Barn Burning” by Peter Werner

Intensely affected by his father's behavior, Sarty does not pause to look back and return to his family"."Barn Burning" reveals class conflicts, vengeance, and the influence of fathers that the viewer observes through the third-person [...]

History of the Periplus

The manuscript was supposedly written in the middle of the first century a merchant of the Egyptian Greek origin. In the time of Periplus, Egypt had become a part of the Roman Empire and [...]

Christmas Balls Making in the Art Classes

In anticipation of the holidays, it is expected that the students will be eager to create objects related to Christmas, and this eagerness will serve as the activator of the motivated behavior that will enhance [...]

Project Investment Analysis and Its Role

In the case of new ventures, project investment analysis provides the basis for the profitability of a project by reviewing the financial implications of a proposed project against expected returns over a specific period of [...]

Moral Hazard in the Companies

In the case of the tenant supporting the landlord, it should be noted that the variable payment scheme ensures that the mall itself is serviced and maintained properly by the landlord since that is where [...]

Lighting in the “Captain Phillips” Film

The scenes of the film mainly represent the situations on Maersk Alabama ship, and they are focused on the interaction between Captain Phillips and the Somali pirates; thus, the light is used extensively to reflect [...]

Workplace Diversity and Challenges of Leadership

However, the importance of attaining diversification strategy within the organization was due to two broad reasons: retaining competitiveness of the organizations after employing the diversity strategy and morally, diversification of the organization is the right [...]