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Tax Reform in the United States

Furthermore, the adoption of the Consumption Tax as the foundation for the current fiscal system will encourage the residents of the United States to change their buying behavior.

Cyber Security and Employees

The major factors that define the thriving of cyber ganging are the insufficient level of employees' competence, the lack of knowledge about the technical side of information protection, and non-compliance with safety standards.

Incidents of Sexual Harassment

The first response would be a letter of reprimand to emphasize the severity of the violation and ensure appropriate intervention. To counter company's actions, the employee can use a written response to administrative leave or [...]

Theories of Domestic Violence

It is important to point out that women have received the short end of the stick in regards to domestic violence. A third reason why people commit domestic violence according to the Family Violence Theory [...]

Politics in Climate of Doubt

The new documentary, Climate of Doubt, presented by Frontline as a part of PBS Election 2012, discovers the institutions that confronted the science concerning the significance of climate change issues. It also caused skepticism in [...]

Canada Role in the Cold War

In the article from the Globe and Mail, the main argument is that Canada, as an ally of the United States and the United Nations was inclined to support military activity in Korea during the [...]

Technological Advances in Song Dynasty

Besides, the Song dynasty invented gunpowder that marked the commencement of the production of sophisticated weapons. The desire of sailors to explore the world led to the development of the directional compass.

Consumer Protection Without Law

The purpose of this article is to investigate the regime of one-way contracts between the customer and the business, which binds the consumers to the business and not the other way.

Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

The reason for this is the reaction between the specific components of the chlorofluorocarbons, mainly chlorine and bromine, and oxygen. Despite these countries having later abolished the use of chlorofluorocarbons around 1996, the rate of [...]

World War II: A Very Short Introduction

The questions addressed in the book were not very often discussed previously, as the author states in the introduction; Weinberg examines Germany's responsibility for World War II, the reasons behind the eventual victory of the [...]

“Foxfinder” Theatrical Production by Dawn King

The lighting of the stage was remarkably balanced to represent a farmhouse and the intentions of the playwright. The conversation between the couple and the government agent represented the interaction between the state and the [...]

United States Military Challenges

Nearing the end of the Second World War, the United States demonstrated to the global society that it was moving a step ahead of the rest in military development when it used the first atomic [...]

History of the Holocaust

They can be outlined as follows: the historical legacy of anti-Semitism in Europe, the particulars of the German national character /the fact that the Nazis did succeed in dehumanizing the Jews, and the irrational hatred [...]

Sourcing Decisions in a Supply Chain

It is significant to draw the line between insourcing and outsourcing because understanding the nature and peculiarities of both strategies together with the accurate estimation of a company's resources determines the future of the business.

Memory Formation and Maintenance

The first similarity between working memory and long term memory is that in both cases, tasks retrieve information from secondary memory, although sometimes working memory tasks retrieve information from the primary memory. After completion of [...]

Mural Arts Program in Philadelphia

The main goal of the program is to reduce and avoid defacement caused by graffiti in the city. Stopping graffiti is not the utmost solution to the threat of defacement in a city.