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Analysis of Legally Blonde play

The script represented an original 'legally blonde' script and therefore the author of the script did a commendable job because he included all the roles in the play and interpreted every scene in the play [...]

Touki Bouki Film Analysis

It is evident that the well-off Africans emulate the lifestyle of the whites which is contrary to the Senegalese culture. When Anta attends some of the meetings with the revolutionaries, it is evident that they [...]

China’s lost girl

This documentary begins with Ling's discussion of the origin of the one child policy that the government of China established. This documentary brings to light the plight of women and girls in China.

The Family Setting

The family is the basic unit of the society and is primarily composed of the parents and their children. The family has a hierarchical structure that is made up of the parents at the top [...]

After Happily Ever After

People who want to get married are grownups hence they should be prepared to accept the challenges and move on with life. Conclusively, this should be a lesson to people who are preparing to get [...]

Satre human freedom

Sartre continues to explain that freedom is the central factor in human beings and it is permanently connected to the "for-itself" or consciousness. In the end, Sartre's definition of freedom is that it is the [...]

The Debate About Tax Cuts

Therefore, understanding the pros and cons of the tax-cut arguments shows that state and local taxes have a small burden on the businesses and are unlikely to affect their operating costs.

New Nationalism: Origins and Effects

The movement concentrated on issues relating to history of man and the intrigues of civilization. This brought a new dimension to understanding of social situations and the required procedure for diffusing upheavals in society.

Race and Discrimination

They often face several difficulties in this attempt, especially due to their color, which is different from that of the Americans. The idea of viewing culture from a social construction point has led to discrimination [...]

Hotel Ratings in the Modern World

Neither the rating which is given by the credible magazine which tries to follow the international standards nor the one presented by those who have visited the place can be trusted as most of the [...]

Racism in the USA

In the USA, such minorities as African Americans, Latin Americans, and Asian Americans are affected by racism because of their biological differences, for instance skin color, and because of the developed social stereotypes and prejudices [...]

Civil War in United States

In the early 19th century, the main issue that threatened the unity of the North and the South was slavery. In this view, the North and the South gradually differed on the issue of slavery, [...]

Gender minority in U.S.

To equalize women and men in the United States, individual in the society should change their mindsets. In the past, this gave men reason to subdue women and make them submit.

Child Intervention Therapy

This complexity exists because age is a critical aspect in the selection of psychological treatment, the objectives of the treatment are important, and the symptoms of the disorder that are evident in a child are [...]

The sales force organization

The organization of the sales force helps the organization to choose the channel, which will be most appropriate in marketing the products. The organization of the sales workforce also determines the assigning of roles to [...]

Medicine in Ancient Rome

This was after the evolution of the use of herbs as poisons that were used to kill people. Herbal knowledge in the region revolved around the army quite a bit and the soldiers gained from [...]

Blade Runner: Themes & Style Analysis

The acting in the Blade Runner is very satisfying mostly because the film's narration does not dictate the actors. The tough acting that is synonymous with such characters was not used in this film.

Dolphins as Social Creatures

The advanced intelligence of dolphins, as well as their developed abilities to communicate, refers to their need to communicate. What is more important is that interaction of dolphins with humans is also of great interest [...]

Language Planning

One of the reasons in this group would certainly be that the capital city of the new country is located on the territory where Caspian is the majority language.

My South Seas Sleeping Beauty

The author makes sure that throughout the entire novel, the story of Su Qi's family relates extensively to the historical context of the book.

Kafka and the Uncanny

As an example of the uncanny, it is possible to refer to Kafka's novel The Trial through generalization and abstract representation of the archaic Court that interferes with Josef K's rational and conventional world. In [...]

Sensory Experiences: Exploring Reality

In fact, the experience of contemplating the room by one individual cannot testify to the objectivity of the room. The difference in experience also depends on the shifts in perceptions once the priority of contemplating [...]

The Last Supper

The work depicted the scene of the last supper as illustrated in the Bible. The person in the center of the picture is Jesus Christ.

Recognition or Redistribution

The role of the press in this dilemma is highlighted because the press eventually determines how nations handle redistribution and recognition issues. Siapera's account of the redistribution and recognition dilemma is easy to understand.

American Psycho

Apparently, the director wanted the character of Bateman to be perceived, as such, that allegorizes the very source of the America's prosperity, concerned with the fact that American richest bankers are being in the position [...]

Battle of King Saul

Despite Samuel's warning to his subjects that a king had several negative impacts, the demand for a king was profound. He was willing to listen to the will of God and his prophets.

Do Vaccines Cause Autism?

Thimerosal is alleged to increase the exposure of mercury in the vaccine to a substantiated high amount. In fact, the amount of antigens between children with autism and without is the same irrespective of the [...]

The Role of Compassion

While Anne Fadiman's this book seems to be primarily related to the impact of linguistic and cultural barriers on the experiences of immigrants, Amy Tan's essay suggests that their difficulties can be explained primarily by [...]

Teamwork and Collaboration

First of all, one should speak about the role of "most responsible nurses" who had to care about a set of patients. The authors demonstrate that the partnership of nurses is critical for improving the [...]