1350-Word Essay Examples. Page 10

4,220 samples

Time Capsule Discovery: the 1960s

The Missile Crisis was a 13-day negotiation between the USA and the USSR concerning the latter's decision to place nuclear missiles in Cuba as a reaction to the US activities in Turkey and Italy.

The Culture of Irish American People

In addition to that, migration from cities and cultural enclaves to suburbs and rural areas, greater participation in the public schools with multiple cultures attending, and a considerable reduction of immigrants from Ireland led to [...]

Black Men Incarceration and Its Effects

The most popular theories include the pointlessness of the War on Drugs a campaign initiated by President Nixon in the 1970s in an attempt to curb the drug flow from Mexico, the inherent prejudice of [...]

The H1N1 Pandemic Analysis

The 2009 Novel Influenza A pandemic brought to the forefront the critical issues of disaster preparedness and planning. The health administrators in Tennessee understood the value of cooperation by deploying the services of the Tennessee [...]

Leadership Action Plan

To begin with, I will join a toastmaster that can support my communicational and leadership goals. For instance, the decision to join a toastmaster will support most of my needs.