3000-Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 7

896 samples

Analysis of UK Economy

The critical problems facing businesses in the UK shall also be examined, in addition to analyzing the future business prospects in the UK. The increase in the rate of unemployment has also been exacerbated by [...]

Virtual Reality Technology and Revenue in Tourism

The major gap in the body of knowledge is the need to use technology to modernize tourism facilities in Germany, adopting the V.R.technology for optimum customer experience and the economic prospects of the sector.

Managing Workforce Diversity

This conclusion is arrived by considering two factors; the first one is the fact that it encourages other organization to incorporate objectives concerning effective management of workforce diversity, in their corporate.

Purchasing Power Parity Theory

The first application is the Absolute form of PPP based on the notion that in the absence of international barriers the consumers are expected to shift their demand to where the lowest prices are offered.

The Neurological Theory of Crime

Modern scholars have been interested in a wide range of attributes that have the potential to influence their behaviors, such as the chemicals found in the brain and neurotransmitters.

Causes of Land/Boundary Disputes

Inducement, nepotism, scam, and clientelism in land management and national land control are familiar phenomena and result in increase in cases of land disputes worldwide.

A Study of the Inquisition

The papal bull also known as the Charter of the Inquisition stated that in order to eradicate the various heresies that were springing up in different parts of the world, the full power of the [...]

The Importance of Action Research

It is a significant tool in ensuring that the teacher understands his/her practice, ways of improving the same, enable him/her understands the ways in which the person is able to understand changes from outside and [...]

Hat Styles for Men and Women

The differences in the styles of hats that have been seen during the first 2 decades of the 20th century are mainly in the styles relating to the crown, brim or peak of the hats [...]

The Doctrine of Predestination

This paper aims to describe the concept underlying the doctrine of predestination in its historical context, identify the proponents of the tradition, and the consequences of its influence on Christians.

Meaning of Brand Equity in Marketing

Process in the marketing mix is the systems and practices of the company that influences the marketing methods of the company. The price of the product will correspond to the value the customer feel the [...]

Naji al-Ali, a Palestinian Cartoonist and His Art

The open and fearless criticism of the political affairs of the particular state is always a risk for the author. Naji Al-Ali was a prominent Palestinian cartoonist famous for his criticism of the political situation [...]

Anthropologie Company Expansion Strategy

As a benchmark for global expansion, the review also investigates the strengths of the Spain-based Zara that, with the rest of the Inditex affiliates, has emerged as the new global leader in women's fashion retail.

PDR Hotel & Resorts: Managing Hospitality

As a result of the need for diversification, the PDR Hotels & Resorts has developed an interest in purchasing the Mortloch hotel; the management of PDR Hotels & Resorts believes that investing in the hotel [...]

Dangerous Goods Maritime Business

As this paper reveals, considering the high susceptibility to loss when transporting dangerous goods as well as the high volume of legislation in the field, charterers need to know their legal obligations and the remedies [...]

Social Constructs of Childhood

UNICEF is the branch of the United Nations that deals with issues affecting children and conducts oversight of how the rights of children are observed in their countries.

Impacts of Colonialism on Africa

In this, it suffered the fate of "imperialism," which after 1900 was adopted by critics of European expansion to serve ideological purposes and used imprecisely to suggest both the annexation of territories and their subsequent [...]

The Gospel of Amazement

By Jesus telling the leapers to walk forth and show themselves to the priests he wanted word on the healing of leapers which was a miracle to spread as this would then lead to the [...]

Enlightenment and Revolution

The bourgeois class contributed significantly to the enlargement of the gap in the social class and gave room for the rising prominence of intellectuality in the public sphere.

Fair Work: Scenarios With Legal Advice

In the above scenario, it would be prudent for Howard as the representative of the employees to file a notice with the Fair Work Authority concerning the possibility of an enterprise agreement.