3000-Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 7

1,156 samples

The Key Drivers of Climate Change

The use of fossil fuel in building cooling and heating, transportation, and in the manufacture of goods leads to an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

“Radio” Final Film Critique

Elsewhere, the principal of the school becomes worried and the father of the player Mr. The reason I pick on the youths as the primary target audience by the director is the fact that Radio's [...]

Poverty as a Factor of Terrorist Recruitment

In spite of the fact that there is no evidence to state that the relationships between poverty and terrorist recruitment are positive, direct, and causal in their nature, researchers still pay much attention to analyzing [...]

Risk Control Systems and Performance

It is, therefore, the duty of the organization's owners and operators to establish the link between the prevailing risks in production and distribution process for energy products and vulnerabilities inherent in the risk control systems.

Human Resource Management in China

In this respect therefore, the HR department has to come up with effective inductive measures that put in place the needs and requirements of all its employees to ensure that the set values, goals, and [...]

Sentencing and Punishment in the US

The purpose of this paper is to prove that in the case with non-violent crimes, determinate sentencing does not reduce crime, encourages social isolation upon release, increases chances of the transformation of a relatively benign [...]

Explanation of Management Diversity

The idea of diversity in management in organisations originates in North America in the 1980s. Thus, management of workforce diversity is an essential part of protecting organisational performance and possible legal tangles from the employees [...]

UPS Procurement Strategy Analysis

According to the UPS Supply Chain Solutions, 'the company spent billions of dollars in a state-of-the-art tracking system and in the investment of some of the latest technologies in the industry'.

Tourism Planning and Development of Margate

It furthers explains the existing sources of investment and finance for tourism, the adequacy and effectiveness of tourism policy and planning framework, the extent of local involvement including benefits to the community and finally, environment [...]

Prison Overcrowding

As mentioned in the introduction, building more prisons is just one of the many solutions to the problem of overcrowding in prisons.

Apple Inc. in a Global Environment

Apple has been able to continuously and repeatedly develop innovative products and therefore create and sustain a competitive advantage in the technology industry. Senior executives at Apple have a critical role of recruiting and introducing [...]

Racial Profiling Towards Arabs in America

Although the 9/11 attacks presented lawmakers and enforcers with the problem of ensuring the security of Americans, the practice of racial profiling and racially motivated attacks within the United States quickly emerged and provided a [...]

Amazon Web Services

The following are the current problems with the use of traditional in-house based systems: High Upfront cost of Systems and Personnel When it comes to creating the systems architecture of a company, it would be [...]

Development of Toyota Motor Company

The growth of many corporate entities in the world today is attributed to the entrepreneurship and innovativeness of the founders. In attempting to analyse the impacts of entrepreneurial activities on the development of the company, [...]

Wine Production in Romania Review

The geographic region characteristics relevant to the wine production are the Carpathian Mountains and the Balck Sea. The viticulture approach in Romania is connected to the state's long history of harvesting grapes and producing wine.


The fact that more western countries established more and more companies in the developing countries was expected to believed will help accelerate their profits by taking advantage of the available as a result of the [...]

McDonald’s Entry Into the Chinese Market

In this context, this paper finds it indispensable to analyze the factors that affect a firm's decision-making process on the choice of entry modes to the foreign markets coupled with the impacts of the entry [...]