550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 121

18,509 samples

Leadership and Cultural Differences

For this reason, there is need for the organization to strike a balance between the local customs and cultural attributes and those of the primary culture of the organization's headquarters, in this case, USA.

Bullying in the Schools

Furthermore, the law states that training should be done to the teachers as well as the other members of staff on how to deal with bullying and the law also needs the schools to report [...]

Organizational Design and Culture

In this organization, the front-line workers are accountable only to the heads of interdisciplinary teams. The key issue is that members of these multi-disciplinary teams do not have to wait for the approval of head [...]

The Ideal Culture of the Organization

When managers realize that individuals/employees of the organization operate in a manner that is injurious to the organization they may often be forced to initiate change of behavior so that they can ensure that employees [...]

Culture and Organization Learning

The article 'Culture and organizational learning' by Cook and Yanow explores the issue of organizational learning and the types of learning that they undergo as well as answers an intriguing question on if organizations learn.

Ancient Artworks Comparative Analysis

The two art works vary in different aspects, first and foremost the pieces of work vary based on the materials that are used in their preparation, the head and bust of a man is made [...]

Caribbean Art History

Caribbean art history is an integral part of Caribbean history that offers important insight into the unique cultural aspect of the Caribbean people and their way of life.

Adolescent Development and Age-Related Issues

Successful intelligence, in particular, is the principle that relates to the selected issue. As a result, they avoid the problem while applying successful intelligence in an academic setting, hence, illustrating that cognition development is maximized.

Buddha Image in Asian Art Work

It is therefore believed that the author of Buddha image was Shakyamuni, one of the artists sent to heaven by Maudgalyayana who can be considered as the patron of this art work.

Power Struggle: “Doubt” Movie

The power struggle is between Sister Aloysius; the school principal, and father Flynn, the school's a priest cum games master. This information is very substantial for Sister Aloysius to accuse and expel Father Flynn from [...]

Ethics and the Human Condition

Ethical relativism is the subjective theory that states that moral beliefs are relative to the norms of a person; therefore, judging whether an act is right or wrong totally relies on the moral beliefs of [...]

What Did It Mean to Modernize the State?

In political terms, Asians and Africans make an attempt to respond to two ideas, traditionalism and modernism, which are characterized by different outcomes; the implementation of the ideas of modernism, demonstrated by many Asian nationalistic [...]

Suicide Risks Identification

There are several factors which affect human condition and may be considered as the main signs of suicide risk. Therefore, it should be concluded that depression and anxiety, especially which last for a lengthy period [...]

For the Bible Tells Me So

The consequences of socially constructing homosexuals and homosexuality as an abomination according to the film "The Bible Tells Me So" are destroyed family relationships and discrimination of the homosexuals by the society.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Geoffrey Chaucer, the father of English poetry, was the first who started writing in English, not in Latin, as writers and poets used to.

Institutionalized Racism and Sexism

In order to control races and maintain white supremacy in the hierarchy system, the dominant groups of the society were to make up lies about people of color that black males are immoral and sexually [...]

Jean –Michel Basquiat

When his mother realized that his son was a very talented artist he took him into Manhattan to see art and then enrolled him as a junior member of Brooklyn Museum of Art where he [...]

Taiwan Taxi System: Cloud Computing

Research Question: Efficacy of Cloud Computing for Organisation and Security of Business Processes In what way can cloud computing assist the Taiwan Taxi Company in improving the quality of its services and the efficacy of [...]