550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 141

18,509 samples

Jacquii LLC: Company Analysis

What happened in the case of Jacqui Rosshandler's Jacquii LLC is a perfect example of how the amount of investment does not equate to the amount of work that was out into creating the company.

Leadership: A Tale of Two Coaches

He was in the university team in the NCAA championship with a coach who was considered to be short-tempered. He was flexible in various aspects being one of the reasons for his team to be [...]

Industry-Based View of Strategy

The strengths and weaknesses of the statement that the firm performance is fundamentally determined by industry-specific attributes in light of the business-level model of global competitive dynamics When an organization follows the business-level model it [...]

Affluenza in Modern Society

However, they have forgotten the need to have a stable society and embarked on a mission to destroy their lives. The fumes emitted from industries, factories and automobiles pollute the environment; as a result, living [...]

Computing Goes Green: Business and Social Effects

In addition, operating data centers by companies cause serious environmental problems because of the heat, produced by servers, and because of enormous power consumption rates, which require inflicting additional harm on the planet as generating [...]

American Managerial Discourse

According to Barley and Kunda, the rise of large corporations and managerial professionalization, the need to control complex organizations, and the different phases of development justify the argument that managerial discourse needed to evolve into [...]

Research Discussion: Establishing Integrity

Introduction While conducting a research study, it is important to uphold integrity by ensuring that the results are credible, valid, and reliable to the target parties (Patton, 2002). In addition, the research study must involve ethical practices which ensure that the interactions with respondents are professional (Schram, 2006). In this light, the aspects should be […]

What is Juvenile Probation?

It explains carefully and clearly the meaning of juvenile probation as well as the organization of the juvenile probation office. The article also explains the meaning of probation and parole as well as the importance [...]

Employment of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

The selected paper revolves around the issue of cleaning and men’s unwillingness to engage in this activity. The author initiates the debates around the topic that, for decades, has been stereotypically considered as primarily women’s occupation. The central author’s thesis related to the problem is that regardless of the changes in the coherent society and […]

Chiquita Brands Business Policy

United Defense Forces of Colombia, a terrorist group, would like Banadex to offer the group a few thousand dollars monthly to prevent the group from disrupting the activities of the company.

Napoleon: Leadership Style

The extremely high level of fragmentation peculiar to Europe at that era and the absence of the single perspective on France and its growing power provided him with the time needed to create a powerful [...]

Researching of Urban Imaginaries

He believes that it is important to acquire more information about the historical evolution of modernity in non-Western urban areas, the conflicts and constellations caused by it, and the consequences of this occurrence for city [...]

The Essence of Family Nursing Theories

The essence of the family nursing approach is that the nurse communicates with all family members, even if providing care for only one of them. This approach is justified since family members can support each other when facing complex or difficult diagnoses (Bell, 2016). Also, acquaintance with all family members and their medical history helps […]

John F. Kennedy’s Tragedy

However, the general rule that applies not only to assassinations but also to all controlled information is 'the fewer people know about it, the better.' The preparation of Kennedy's assassination appears to have been a [...]