550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 56

18,509 samples

Hero in Plautus’ “Pseudolus” Play

He is some kind of Robin Hood of the times when Plautus lived."As in both the plays of Aristophanes and Mevander, the Roman playwright Plautus addresses the issue of class consciousness and status in his [...]

History: Age of Discovery 1450-1700

The Age of Discovery, or as it is also called the Age of Exploration, was an epoch from the early 15th century and ongoing into the early 17th century, throughout which European vessels journeyed around [...]

Greek Goddess Hera Analysis

The myths tell that hera and Zeos were married in the garden of the gods, and in honor of the occasion, a marvelous tree, bearing apples of gold, sprang out of the earth.

Zara International

The company combines the three elements of classical management approaches like scientific management approaches of Fredrick Taylor, administrative principles of Henri Fayol, and bureaucratic organization of Max Weber.

Marketing Strategies Used by Zara and H&M

The comparative analysis of the marketing strategies implemented by Zara and its competitor H&M allows indicating the existing deficits in the current marketing plan and providing the recommendations for the necessary improvements if any.

Zara Company: RFID and Inventory Issues

Drawing from this elaboration, therefore, it is evident that Wal-Mart slowed its use of RFID due to supplier concerns, technological deficits, and inability of the chips to achieve 100 percent success in tracking inventory.

Time Value of Money in Examples

Therefore, re-purchase of the shares appeals to the managers of the company because it will allow the company uses the money to regenerate more money for the purpose of repurchase the shares in the future.

Jesus Christ’s Humility

Following the example of Jesus, Christians should know that it is their obligation to surrender and submit fully to the will of God. The example of Jesus' humility to God should be followed by Christians [...]

Socrates and His Representations

This is of particular concern to the interpretation of Socrates's political and philosophical visions. In particular, the source introduces a multifaceted analysis of Socrates' personality and his philosophical outlook on life.

Dell Gaming System: Marketing Strategy

The objectives of marketing communication are to locate the brand in minds of consumers, to promote the new product, to create a unique image of the product, to persuade buyers try the product, to position [...]

Aristotle’s Ethical Theory

The weakness of philosophical theories is that they are mere intellectual theories void actions or activities, which require habitual practice as a process of achieving moral virtues.

Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

However, the fact that there are many actions that people engage in, Aristotle argues that their ends are countless. Aristotle concludes that happiness is the key principle that causes people to practice virtues such as [...]

Steve Jobs’ Leadership Style

He was a leader with an exceptional intellectual aptitude and believed in his ability to influence sustainable change in the world through development of innovative products and services.

Vincent van Gogh Artistic Works

This picture is one of the first works that attracted the attention of artists and critics to van Gogh. The painter is able to use different shades of grey and yellow in order to illustrate [...]