2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 82

40,326 samples

Dealing with Other People

When it comes to my family members and relatives, I am very close to them, and dealing with them has been very easy, as they understand me wholesomely, as I likewise understand them.

Negative Image of Women in the Media

Sexual identity which to a wide extent relates to the way in which people express their "sexual values, attitudes, feelings and beliefs" has been a common factors in society with the identification and further association [...]

Psychological Testing Issues

The principle of the right to privacy implies that an individual has the right to choose the information regarding his/her beliefs, attitudes, actions, and feelings to another person, often a licensed psychologist.

Ocean Literacy and Exploration

From the onset of "human-ocean interaction and exploration in the fifteenth century" and despite ocean being the largest feature of the earth, only 5% of the ocean is known.

Hydrothermal Vents and Conservation

The following text explores the impact of the exploitation of black smokers highlighting the importance of conservation. Besides disturbing the peace of the organisms in the ecosystem, there is environmental pollution in the event of [...]

Respect in Daily Lives

The show of respect is very important especially to the adults, as they act as role models to the young children. Without respect, it would be hard to settle such differences, as no one would [...]

Pioneer Enterprises Benefits Program

As to the aspect of the paid time off, the company should consider the time of vacation and extended leave. The employees' benefits program is important for attracting and retaining the best employees.

“Crash” by Paul Haggis

The main idea of the movie is the representation of racial issues developed in the society with references to the tensions between characters as the example of discrimination which is based on the development of [...]

“Lifted” by Lexi Alexander

Going to the competition alone as his grandfather does not approve this music and the mother is too drunk to realize what happens, a boy receives the support of his father who has returned from [...]

“Black Robe” by Bruce Beresford

The movie was captured in the Canadian wilderness with the main character who is a priest by the name of Father Laforgue taking up the work of spreading the gospel among the Indians in a [...]

Frank Sinatra’s Life and Career

However, as he attained the age of 30, his appeal among teenagers waned and his music career faded. He was controversial for his political ideologies and alleged involvement in organized crime.

Michael Jackson’s Life and Career

The joining of this band marked the start of his music career because although he joined as a backup singer, with time, he started to sing vocals and later on become a lead singer.

Global Stratification

The rise of new social and economic institutions has paved the way to the emergence of the new, developed world, which took most of its resources from the poorest countries and, consequently, greatly contributed to [...]

Eco- Shack Marketing Standards

The customers will be segmented appropriately depending on the benefits anticipated, how muchthe they will be able to pay, quantities bought, media, and the place and time when the products will be purchased.

Casablanca: In Pursuit of Humanity

Doubtlessly one of the movies that make the bulk of the American timeless classics of cinema, Casablanca was never actually intended to be that big a hit; though definitely aiming at success, the Warner Bros.never [...]

Procedural and Substantive Law

While procedural law denotes the body of law that prescribes rules, rights, and statutes governing the proceedings of a court of law in criminal, civil and administrative lawsuits, substantive law is basically a statutory law [...]

Technology and Personal Devices

It is obvious that many programs and applications greatly help collect, organize and store data and statistics, as well as manipulate information, represent it graphically and send it to a distant location, and this has [...]

Giving Back During National Nurses Week

Salem Hospital and its staff have been very effective in bettering the treatment of the community by increasing their care and availability of the necessary resources, financial help, and mutual cooperation between the staff and [...]

Web Exercise-Online Sources of Assistance

The second one is for the Canada business network, and the third website is for the Canadian revenue agency. All these websites are filled with plenty of information that businesses in Canada can find resourceful [...]

Burj Khalifa: Behind A Wall of Text

Location and dimensions of the Burj Khalifa Starting, appropriately enough, with the description of the place in which the Burj Khalifa located, the author of the article provides not only a brief mentioning of the [...]

The Case Korematsu v. United States

United States illustrates that the principles imbedded in the Constitution of the United States can be violated or at least misinterpreted, especially at the time when the country has to cope with a threat to [...]

French People and Americans

French people and Americans have different ways of developing, defining, and appreciating friendship. Chelsea Chelsea presents a meticulous discussion of the definition of friendship by Americans and French people.

A Trip to Mars: Mass Facts

Mars is one of the eight major planets that form the solar system together with the sun. The atmosphere of Mars is estimated to be less than 1% of that of the earth.

History: the First Nation People

It is prudent for the Crown to get back to the roots of the challenges facing the First Nation people instead of merely relying on the legislative agenda of the Canadian parliament.

History: the Rights of First Nation People

It is the duty of the Crown to make all the necessary consultations with the First Nation people. Social justice can only be propagated when the basic treaties between the aboriginal people and the government [...]

Film Studies: “La Strada” by Federico Fellini

This uncertainty in the definition of the character's social origin can be attributed to the fact that Fellini aimed at attacking Fascism and, therefore, portraying his attitude towards the exploitation of people's emotions and beliefs, [...]

Advertising and Freedom of Speech

According to Liodice, the marketer should provide the best information to the targeted consumer. The duty of the marketer is to educate and inform the consumer about the unique features of his or her product.

Steve Tobin’s Ceramic Artworks

Combining the time-honored traditions of ceramics art with some of the most extraordinary approaches, Tobin manages to not only shock the viewers into paying attention, but also create the mind-benders that make the viewers reflect [...]

Policing Development and Operation Trends

As a result, the administrative function ensures that law enforcement officers are well prepared to deal with different responsibilities assigned to them in their workstations. In conclusion, the organizational, administrative, and operational aspects of policing [...]