1400-Word Essay Examples. Page 21

3,531 samples

Forensic Accounting in Organizations

In the courts, a forensic accountant unravels the evidence linked to financial fraud by testifying. Moreover, a forensic accountant has to support the evidence produced in the court.

Under the Influence of Alcohol

This paper highlights the summaries of the myths and facts regarding alcoholism as presented in the book, Under the Influence, a precise explanation of alcoholism by examining the underlying causes of alcoholism and how its [...]


Currently, the types of questions various scholars are grappling with a range from the type of social and economic institutions that bring about improvements in the current capitalist advanced economies to the kinds of institutions [...]

Sustained Organisational Learning Methods

The assumption in many firms is that the most challenging issue of the twenty-first century is ability to attain competitive advantage through development of intellectual capital, mainly the social, human and organizational capabilities. The school [...]

Management Recycling of the Waste

The requirement of this assignment was to collect and recycle different kinds of household items from the trash. In the first week five plastic cups were collected, which were kept in the storage area.

Art through History

As a matter of fact, the century witnessed the beginning of radical changes in the field of art. One of the major theories in the work of art was romanticism which developed in the 19th [...]

White Collar Crime

Parties affected by the crime and how it affects them White collar criminals place more emphasis on their personal needs than their organization's to the point of downplaying the real costs of their actions.

Language Skills Acquiring Process

The information provided below was retrieved by recording the dialogues between the child and the members of his family, as well as the utterances that the child made in the course of playing or interacting [...]

American Police Community Relations

In the US, the introduction of community policing strategies and engagement of the public in crime reporting and detection strategies help to improve security measures in the country.

Lewis Hine Pictures’ Importance

According to the belief of Kellogg, the use of images was a great way to win the sympathy of the American society, especially of its upper class and to stimulate the support for social reform [...]

Sniffy the Virtual Rat

In the past, she has been to the dentist and had some of the teeth with cavities extracted. During the second time when she felt a lot of pain, Miss Y noted some of the [...]

Sociology Importance in Sports

Sociology of sports is a field of sociology that perceives sports from a social perspective. One may consider irrelevant to view sports from a social perspective but understanding of different areas of sports social aspects [...]

Traffic in Abu Dhabi

Road congestion occurs as a result of increased use of the road network that results into increased time of travelling. Abu Dhabi road congestion also results from parking habits of both heavy and light vehicles [...]

Pollutants Effects on Cellular Respiration Rate

Therefore, the purpose of the experiment was to investigate the effects of pollutants on the cellular respiration rate. Moreover, the hypothesis that the presence of a pollutant harms the rate of respiration was investigated by [...]

What Is Multimedia Design?

In this essay, we will determine what media design is, give the definition to multimedia, establish the fundamental premises of the terms and present the examples of interactive and non-interactive multimedia design.

Clerical Position Job Description

The copies of job descriptions for clerical positions obtained from the workplace indicate the requirements for someone to be hired as a clerical officer. However, the information given in the job description for a clerical [...]

FedEx Corporation’s External Factors

The following are some of the macro environmental factors that affect the delivery operations of the organization and how the factors influence its operations These are factors that specifically focus on the needs and wants [...]