750 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 5

1,651 samples

Crime in High Schools

The statistics suggest that the present rate of school violence is, in fact, lower than the one estimated by the general studies.

Conspiracy Theories of 9/11

Another layer of theories states that the events of September 2001 were initiated by the US military and the government which tried to gain the confidence of the American people and inspires racial envy and [...]

Hybrid Cars: Technology Review

In addition to technical advantages, hybrid cars are safer for the environment and significantly reduce gas dependence. Hybrid cars represent the new technology and, as everything new, hybrid cars are more complex in mechanics and [...]

French Involvement in Vietnam War

Even though in the overwhelming majority of cases, the author focuses attention on the history of Vietnam since the Involvement of the French troops in the nineteenth century, he also gives background information as to [...]

How Women’s Movements Changed America

Before the feminist movements, there existed a patriarchal society in which the power was in the hands of men, and women were discriminated against, not because of any particular reason but simply because they are [...]

Kennewick Man Controversy Analysis

It sparked off after the discovery of Kennewick Man and one of its effects was the confusion that the public was subjected to by it and the fact that the Federal government tried to settle [...]

Guess’ Website: Design Analysis

The brand's name is, however; written in a glaring red color and large font which immediately attracts the attention of the reader and the red color acts as a sharp contrast to the muted colors [...]

Fitness and Its Importance for Health

In the multi-tasking world of the 21st century, Every person is expected to be some sort of super being who can manage to function on very little to no sleep in order to perform in [...]

The Future of Psychology: Discussion

The psychological reality of interconnection referred to the society and the structural states of human beings are rather significant for the evaluation of the directions in which science will move in the future.

Taxation Policy of US Congress

The main concept, which may be used for explaining the rationale of tax reduction package is covered in the notion that the simultaneous boost, and the reduction of taxes has both political and economic consequences: [...]

International Issues: Global Equity Markets

With the opening of international trade routes and globalization of movement of goods, services and utilities, spawned by technological advancement and the internet, global equity markets have been receiving wide attention in recent years, thanks [...]

Historical Development of Test Norm

The national government greatly invested in the education and progress of these psychologists in the field of clinical psychology, therefore, giving rise to the use of testing and the need for better working methods of [...]

Obama’s Tax Relief Plan Analysis

The following graph outlines the proposed tax cut relief plan in detail and it would be analyzed in terms of the effect that it has had on the economy and it's bearing on the American [...]

Shopping Networks: Pricing Strategy

Since their products and services are deemed to reach millions of households in America, the firms consider the following factors before setting their prices: selecting the price objective in order to increase sales growth, determining [...]

Kodak: New Development Strategy

Fisher spent his entire five- and half-year tenure trying to push this company into the digital age When he was stepping down, Fisher declared that his digital strategy has worked and the company's financial woes [...]

Art: The Baroque Period Overview

The way it is designed enables the water to flow over the figures in a very natural way, invoking both a sense of time and of nature, rather than the carefully directed streams that were [...]

Ethics of Politics of Social Research

This is followed by describing the political aspects focusing on the possible deviations in the procedure of the research due to the influence of personal and political beliefs of the researcher.