850-Word Essay Examples. Page 12

6,878 samples

Stanford Prison Experiment and Criminal Justice

The researchers used cameras and microphones to assess the behavior of the correctional staffs and inmates. The capability of managing the correctional facility depends on effective communication between the inmates and the prison guards.

The Rhetoric of Violence in Rap

I believe that the presence of violence and prison as an inevitable outcome of crime is presented in both rap and C&W music but they differ in their depiction of prison life and adjustment to [...]

Concept of “Western Feminism”

It is implied that western feminism neglects to take into consideration that other types of feminism exist and that applying the cultural norms and behaviors that formed the ideals of western feminism is just inappropriate [...]

Visual Effects and Sounds in Cinematography

Considering the cinematography of The Third Man, the paper is aimed at exploring the lighting and color, the sound, the location, the camera angles, and character's movement to explain the state of mind of the [...]

Prison Life in the USA

The fact that the number of offenders who live in prison increased greatly attracts the attention of experts and the representatives of the general public.

Criminal Evidence: Solid-Proof Data

Therefore, the instances of hearsay and privileged communication must be identified successfully whenever they appear in the course of the prosecution. Furthermore, the concept of the BER must be viewed as the top priority.

Ignition and Burning Processes

For this reason, the given article presents a theoretical framework needed to understand the nature of fire, its main physical properties, three basic elements that make up a fire triangle, the oxidation process, and factors [...]

The Different Faces of Rankism

The powerful and successful are referred to as the "somebodies" whereas the weak and vulnerable are known as the "nobodies". The two major groups of people in such a society are the "Somebodies" and the [...]

The Phenomenon of Queer Customs

Culture is the center of a person's life and marks as a blueprint of all practices and behaviors in society. Customs and beliefs affect actions and behaviors of the infants in the society; therefore, this [...]

Fiat Mio as a Collaborative Innovation

The head of the Fiat Brazil Style Center, Peter Fassbender, gathered the company's best representatives in the innovation, publicity, and communication departments and offered an open innovation paradigm in which Fiat consumers were invited to [...]

Ethical Principles in Business

According to Confucianism, alignment between the company's methods and person's conduct is significant for attaining the unanimity of the group. The most important factor contributing to the company's high achievement was the high rate of [...]

Hunan Cultural Revolution and Popular Radicalization

After January 1967, a large number of rebels in China engaged in the tumultuous political process leading to new antagonisms and contentions that violently divided the disorganized mass movement. Mainly, the participation of PLA Veterans [...]