850-Word Essay Examples. Page 54

6,878 samples

Terri Logan’s Jewelry Art

High demand and international interest to Logan's jewelry, as well as the undeniable artistic qualities of her brooches, earrings, necklaces and bracelets, are the main criteria of the designer's success because they demonstrate her skills [...]

Carl Friedrich Gauss: Mathematician and Innovator

Moreover, Gauss is also the founder of congruence, which was a part of the mathematician's approach to the mentioned theory. Carl Friedrich Gauss became famous for his breakthrough ideas and developments that dramatically affected the [...]

The Reconstruction Period History

The American society went from the period of Reconstruction after the civil war in the Gilded Age, which is considered to be the epoch of intense economic and demographic growth by the progressive era because [...]

Community Development and Social Development

The concept of community development describes the major initiatives and procedures members in a particular society undertake to improve their economic, environmental, cultural, and social attributes. The idea of locality helps people identify and implement [...]

Queen Elizabeth II Hotel’s Marketing

The website launch is intended to symbolize the introduction of the new establishment of the Dubai hospitality industry. The chosen subject is about how the QE2 will attract new clients to buy real estate on [...]

Different Concerts Report

The first part's melody is performed in minor harmony and serves the purpose of preparing listeners for the final passage that is played in the major theme.

Marketing Environment and Principles

In the business article published in the Financial Times newspaper, accessible in the https://www.ft.com website, FT Reporters examines various internal environmental issues that influence the operations of McDonald's in its home and overseas markets.

Bipolar and Mania Disorders

Bipolar and Mania disorders is a condition that is characterized by two major phases depression and euphoria. The depressive phase is characterized by feelings of hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, changes in sleep patterns and loss of [...]

Allocating Fixed Costs and Budgeting

Most of the cost allocation methods focus on the accumulation of cost; at the same time, ABC is different in its nature and is used for the purpose of maximizing the accuracy of the product [...]

HIPAA Technology Breach

HIPAA violations – intentional, or malicious – attract penalties that depend on the nature of the harm caused and how sensitive the ePHI compromised is to the patient.