3 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 183

22,474 samples

Martingale Asset Management HBS: Investment

According to Chowdhry et al, "Investors should consider the track record of the fund manager, their investment philosophy, and their approach to managing risk when evaluating the suitability of a fund for their investment portfolio".

JP Morgan Behavioral Finance Case Study

They used momentum stocks to profit from the overconfidence bias and value stocks to profit from the loss aversion bias as their two key investment philosophies. The asset managers in JPMorgan's asset management business were [...]

Benefits of Clinical Certification

Afterward, the validity of the certificate is extended, and nurses can continue to work in surgery. The authors concluded that the problems of CNOR-certified nurses are related to the effectiveness of the certification.

Audit Quality in Small & Medium Enterprises

This review examines recent and not-recent empirical studies on audit quality and SMEs, discussing the importance of audit quality in SMEs and exploring the impact of various factors on audit quality. These studies have shown [...]

Bioethics: Which Theory Makes the Most Sense?

Out of three well-known theories, Kantian ethics is the most optimal in terms of considering morality and human conduct, unlike natural law theory and utilitarianism which mainly disregard justice or strive to find the correct [...]

Catholic vs. Principle-Based Ethics

Catholic ethics is based on religious beliefs and emphasizes the value of social justice and the dignity of all people. The importance of informed consent in medical decision-making is shared by Catholic and principlist ethics.

The United Nations Policy on Sexual Abuse

Although the UN addresses this issue through the Policy Concerning Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Abuse of Authority, it failed to protect females' rights in distinct African regions, increasing the necessity to establish new policies.

Socrates’ Trial and Involved Forces

This essay will examine the delays in Socrates' prosecution, the local, national, and international forces that affected his trial, and the supporting documentation from the dialogues we have studied, the Hughes movie, the studies of [...]

Military Violence Against Palestinians

Outline: The speech raises the issue of military violence against Palestinians and proposes to organize the solidarity movement to convince American foreign policymakers to change their discourse on the war crimes of the Israeli army.

Edmond v. United States, 520 U.S. 651

The legal parties of the case include Edmond, the petitioner, and the United States as the defendant. The court followed controversy over the constitutionality of the appointment clause in appointing military judges under the United [...]

Ethics and the Coronavirus Pandemic

A central ethical issue in the public health area is the relationship between individual freedom and the well-being of society. The critical conditions made the government and healthcare providers choose between infringing on patients' rights [...]

Pete Seeger’s Music and Civic Activism

The harshness and uncompromising nature of his position made him a disgraced singer, but at the end of his journey, his talent and contribution to civic activism were accepted by the government and the public.

Homelessness and Its Causes in the United States

Effective policy solutions are needed to address the problem of homelessness, and this can be achieved through a combination of housing-focused initiatives, social services, and community outreach and by addressing potential challenges such as political [...]

Reading Mastery: Strategies Unveiled

Tutoring on strategic reading can introduce students to reading strategies to enhance their reading skills and comprehension. Moreover, considering the impact of strategic reading on writing and communication skills, strategic reading tutoring is a three-for-one [...]

Understanding of Yoruba Religious Traditions

Specifically, I will explore how Bascom's cultural relativist framework shapes his understanding of the role of divination in Yoruba culture and the ways in which his analysis highlights the complexities of Yoruba religious practices.