7 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 47

5,973 samples

The Feminist Theory and IR Practice

Focusing on how international relations theorists explained some concepts, such as security, state, and superiority that led to gender bias, feminists felt the need to develop and transform the international relations practice and theory.

Emotional Expression in the Workplace

The advantages and disadvantages of emotional behavior in the workplace will be discussed in this report, and several recommendations will be suggested for organizations to apply skills in emotions' recognition and treatment in their management [...]

International Bioethics and Genetics

Genetic discrimination is a problem of bioethical significance in which a patient's confidential rights are violated to create favorable conditions on the part of the person or company who is the subject of the discriminatory [...]

Economic Data in Business Decisions

In their study, the authors focus on assessing the impact of big data, obtained through the analysis of available economic information, on the management aspects of businesses and the possibilities of their transformation.

Cybercrimes: Theories and Sociological Perspective

The accelerated digitization of personal, business, and governmental activities and the application of such emerging technologies as remote working, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things have facilitated the explosive growth in cybercrime.

Global and Regional Integration

The steps include everything from depositing the firm's financial contribution in a financial institution, obtaining an investor's authority of the attorney, having the deed of integration and firm rules and regulations notarized, enrolling the firm [...]

Takashi Murakami’s Biography and Artistic Work

In a show of the same title, Murakami first introduced the concept of "Superflat" in the year 2000. Murakami's most significant declaration of his early scorn for the art establishment is "A Philosophy of Super [...]

Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC

The discussion takes a general overview of the company, its mission and vision statements, strategic goals, and key objectives. The key objectives Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank wants to realize include: Growing transaction volumes and assets [...]

Law and Morality Separation and Relationship

The qualifier 'objectively' obscures its ultimate point of uncertainty, which is alluded to in the tautological phrase 'rule of recognition.' The secularized legislation, like the secular state, relies on the success of its people's consciences, [...]

Digitization in the Oil and Gas Industry

The oil and gas industry is one of the most vital industries in the current world. This essay will focus on the procurement and supply chain processes including the challenges faced when initiating these processes [...]